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Over the weekend, I called over help from a few people I can trust around here. I wouldn't be able to take care of Ellie and watch her on my own, so I knew a few people who were willing to help.

Roger doesn't work the weekends, so whenever I'm busy and need him to watch her, he agreed he would. Chase agreed to watch her the whole week while I worked, the days he couldn't, because of Xavier, Trevor watched her. It's really a shame that I have to let people babysit her to make sure she doesn't go doing anything crazy. Yet, I'm glad I have these people to help me through this.

It was a tough week, and having to do all the transitioning for me was hard enough.

I don't want the watch crew to stop unless I feel like I can trust her again.

Work with Archer has been great. We did the castings for the play. Cocoa was pleased to hear she got the part of Claudet. Khloe got the part of Eliana and Sarah got the part of Ariele. Everyone else didn't get the parts they wished for, but they promised me to bring this play out of the works as well as they can.

Meanwhile, Archer had told me that he could help me turn the script into a novel. I'm sure he can, but I don't know if I want the play to become a novel with his editing degree. I'm not sure if I want the play to get noticed like that.

It tells a huge part of our lives. If Ellie were ever to know that I wrote something about her, she would be pissed, especially if her mother is involved.

Chase and I have been busy this whole week. We barely had time for each other. Today, he wants me to spend the night with him at his house. Roger no longer lives there, so it would be nice to get some alone time.

Before that, I headed to the mall to grab Ellie a gift. Her birthday is coming up soon, and I wouldn't want her to think I forgot. As for our relationships, we're working on it. Mainly me.

"Amelia?" I hear someone call me from behind before I walked out of the mall.

It's Delilah with a white coat and sweater with jeans. Her hair is in a ponytail which is a surprise. She always has it down and wavy. I don't think I have ever seen her hair like that.

"Hi," I greet her.

"This is going to sound strange but, have you seen Ellie? She has something of Trixi's, and she's like really freaking out about it."

"Yeah, she's living with me." I glance at her suspiciously. "What is it that she has? I'm sure I can grab it for you?"

Her eyes widen. "Actually, it's ok, thanks, though."

"Ok." My brows furrow. She turns to walk away, and I stop her. "Is there a specific reason why you guys kicked her out?" I ask her.

"She's too good of a person to get reckless like Trixi. If anything, I probably saved her." Delilah smiles at me and walks away. I don't know what she means by that.

Chase picks me up from the mall, and I mentioned my run in with Delilah. He tried to avoid the topic of them, because he could care less. I only wanted to know if he ever seen Trixi do the things Ellie had done. I can't help to think that she was the bad influence in this.

He pulled up to a street and opened the door for me. Ignoring the city noises, I stare up at the building he parked in front of. We step inside and it's empty, though there are people in here working, with tools to fix up the place and add some liveliness to it. "Why did you bring me here?" I ask while looking up at the tall ceiling. "Is this the place?"

"Welcome to Night owls." He grins.

"This place is huge."

I can see hundreds of people in here for him.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now