The Four MaraudersThis short story follows the Marauders and how they love in different ways...
"James was only young when he fell in love with the love of his life Lily, even though she hated him... At first.
In his first year he was still new, it took him a while to find his feet, know where he stood.
In his second year at Hogwarts, while still getting used to everything, he started to fall for Lily, the cute redhead.
Then in his third year, he finally admitted his feelings to the world. Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail already knew but he started to tell even more people.
In his fourth year, he would tell anyone who listened about his undying love for Lily Evans.
But in their fifth year, Lily stopped being friends with Severus after he called her an unthinkable word.
In their sixth year she noticed she was starting to like him although she never told a soul. But James kept asking her out and she kept rejecting him.
Anyway, it got to their seventh year at Hogwarts and while he had openly expressed his feelings, it was time for her to express hers before it was too late. It had been late in the afternoon, they were both patrolling the corridors, as Head Boy and Head Girl do, when she turned to him and told him exactly how she felt.
He was ecstatic! The love of his life had just admitted her feelings for him!They spent many months enjoying each other's company, when sadly it was time to leave Hogwarts. They still stayed together and it wasn't long until her asked her to marry him. It was absolutely beautiful.
The ceremony was even more beautiful. It was perfect, just like their relationship.
Soon enough she was pregnant with a little baby boy, they never guessed the great things he would accomplish.
Unfortunately, there was a prophecy. Voldemort, the darkest wizard of all time thought it meant Harry, and attempted to kill them all.
James' love was so strong he gave his own life to try and give his son and wife more time to get away, even though he knew he would die.
It was in that moment that he realised that one of his friends, someone he loved had betrayed him. Wormtail. Peter Pettigrew."
-Remus Lupin speaking to Harry on the anniversary of Lily and James Potters deaths, during Harry's fifth year.
"Sirius Black was the kind of man who had lots of girlfriends but never truly loved during his time at Hogwarts. He really started to love later on in life. It was when he met a girl called Gemma Elgar.
Gemma was also in the Order of the Phoenix but they hadn't spoken much during their time at Hogwarts. She was a Hufflepuff so they never really conversed that much. They quickly hit it off at meetings and started spending more time together.
It was her birthday, when he first told her he loved her.
They were taking a walk along a pebble beach and he produced a gold heart necklace that had curly writing spelling 'Love'. Her eyes started to water with joy and she threw her arms around him. He told her how much he loved her and kissed her.
They had plenty more dates over the next few months, going for dinner, going to muggle movies and spending entire days together.
Then he met a young baby. It was his friends Lily and James' son, Harry. When he held you, for the first time in his life, he looked like he could settle down. He looked at Harry with such admiration and high hopes for his future, while the tiny baby just giggled.
Sirius and Gemma had been dating for about a year when he asked for some advice. He wanted to know how to propose.
When he found the right moment to propose, he did it perfect.
He took her for a picnic on the beach, and they ate and laughed and talked for what seemed like hours. She turned away to look around and that's when he did it. He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. And of course she said yes. They were perfect for each other.
It was about two months after they got engaged that they had been walking, and she had been killed by a Death Eater. He chased the culprit down, and got him sent to Azkaban.
Sirius was heart broken. He barely left the house and when he did it was only to see his friends, or his godson Harry.
It wasn't long before he was sent to Azkaban himself, thought to have betrayed his friends by giving away their location to Voldemort. This was not true, however no evidence could be produced to stop him going to prison.
He broke out, twelve years and was on the run for two years, during which he reconnected with his godson.
He was killed. By Bellatrix Lestrange.
I wrote this letter to tell you his story."
-A letter from Albus Dumbledore addressed to Harry after Albus had died.
"Peter Pettigrew was a small boy who didn't have many friends when he stepped foot in Hogwarts.
When he started Hogwarts, he became close friends with three boys in particular. Those boys were James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
The four boys became quickly inseparable and were pulling all kinds of pranks together.
Over the next five years, Peter came to love the three boys and the castle they all stayed in.
He had trouble at home, so he either stayed at Hogwarts or with James in his mansion. Most of the time he'd stay with Sirius in the castle though.
In their sixth year, he started to be drawn towards the Dark Arts. Voldemort was gathering followers and Peter was weak. He was drawn the to the Dark Arts like a moth to a flame, wanting power.
He wanted to be like his friends, powerful. But to be powerful, he couldn't be like his friends at all. He had to become one of Voldemorts lap dogs, one of his Death Eaters.
The Dark Arts were his true love."
-Professor McGonnagal addressing Hogwarts after the Battle.
"Remus Lupin was a very shy boy, although he had a fair few friends. Not only did he have the Marauders, but he was widely popular with most houses.
During his first few years at Hogwarts he was still forming friendships with people.
He had a few relationships but none of them lasted too long. He wasn't very good at committing to love.
After Hogwarts, all he had were the Marauders and Lily. He spent a lot of time with them and they had a good time.
But soon after, James and Lily were dead, Sirius was in prison and Peter had left, after betraying his friends. Remus had no one, apart from Dumbledore.
It was years for Remus, trying to stop people knowing that he was a werewolf, before he finally saw James and Lily again.
Sadly though, it wasn't them, but it was Harry Potter. Remus was a professor at Hogwarts in Harry's third year. He grew to love Harry during his time as a professor.
Then he met Nymphadora Tonks.
She was a beautiful girl, and they loved each other.
She was a metamorphagus, which means she can change her appearance in any way. She started to like him before he started liking her. Eventually he came to love her and they got married.
They had a beautiful child called Teddy, and Harry Potter was his godfather. Harry was wanted by a wizard called Voldemort who was trying to kill him. A lot of wizards from Hogwarts were trying to help him and there was a huge battle.
One of Voldemorts Death Eaters killed Remus and Nymphadora Lupin during the battle, leaving behind their son. Harry was left to look after him, and Harry greatly welcomed him into his family."
- Harry Potter, telling Teddy Lupin about his fathers past.
The Four Marauders
Short StoryIt was my friends birthday and I was strapped for cash, this was the result.