*Chapter 1*

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Where do I start?

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Where do I start?

Where do I end?

Well we can start here.

I'm back.

For good, hopefully.

No I am back and i'm going to stay this time.


It shouldn't be that hard right it's like pressing reply on a movie. Only then you have to rewatch it.

The door looks darker. Maybe i can just leave? I mean she doesn't even know i'm here.

Or maybe I just knock the door? I mean what's the worst that can happen? What it only been like 4 years.

"Ok I can't do this" I whisper to myself turning around. Just as i'm about to leave I hear the door open.

"Can't do what?" A voice calls from behind me? Has Meredith's voice dropped over the past four years?

I freeze in my place turning around slowly to see a man there.

How the hell did he hear me?

"Super hearing." He winked.

Well, he's not a man he looks like a teenager. He looks like he's just out of high school he's got a baby face. hmm. I stand there silently judging him before going to speak.

"Sorry I don't know if she moved out or something but i'm looking for Meredith."

"Oh Meredith she's at work. Um not to sound rude or anything but who are you?

"I'm Melody and Meredith is my sister. You are?"

He leaned on the door with a smirk. "Another hot Grey. I'm Alex. Alex Karev."

"Well i'm assuming your either a one night stand who won't leave in that case your trespassing or your a roommate."


"So you live here?" I clarify maybe they're sleeping together and she offered him a place to stay?

"Sometimes. I can't always hook up in one place you know. Anyways i'm not the only one it's a house full of interns. You want me to call her for you?"

"No i got it but could you-"

The door shut. Literally one of the rudest things anyone could do ever.

Alex Karev you son of a bitch.

Let's get this over with shall we?

FOR GOOD ♡ MARK SLOANWhere stories live. Discover now