Chapter 1 ~ Just Stay Awake

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With one last slash of your sword, you could now say that the hilichurl camp was officially cleared. You could feel your sweat soak itself in your hair. Your breath was heavy and you felt tired. You took a deep breath in and out as you turned around to see Kaeya standing up straight, his condition was similar to your own. The two of you had been out clearing the camps all morning and it was noon at this point.

"Heh, that should teach them," Kaeya said, a smirk plastered across his face as always. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh. When did hilichurls ever learn anything anyway? "Well, we should be getting back to Mondstadt." You added, a smile still on your face from your laughter. You had known Kaeya for a long while, the two of you had met when you first joined the Knights of Favonius, and ever since, the two of you had only grown closer.

Kaeya nodded as he took out his map and set his focus on Mondstadt. "C'mon, are you coming or not?" He spoke with his right hand outstretched to you. You had planned to go with your own map but you took the friend's hand in your own with confidence. "Let's go." you vocalized as he gave you a soft smile and he tightened the hold on your hand. His palm was warmer than others always expect, but the tips of his fingers were still somewhat cold from their small battles due to using his vision.

You then closed your eyes and concentrated on the landscape inside Mondstadt. The clear, pure, water inside the fountain that lay in the center of the shopping district, the sounds of people talking and walking around, and the delicious scent of the food that Sara always made. Within seconds of those thoughts, you felt them come to life around you, your hand still grasping Kaeya's. Your eyes began to flutter open and you were met with all the sights you had imagined.

You felt Kaeya slowly, and yet reluctantly, let go of your hand as he took a deep breath in and out. "Quite the day it was today, no?" Kaeya mentioned, his confident tone was unwavering. You rolled your eyes playfully, "It's barely even noon, Kaeya. We still have yet to each lunch." You remarked and were gladly rewarded with a small laugh from the Cavalry Captain.

"I will agree that you have a point."


"Let's head over to Good Hunter. I'm sure Sara can prepare us something in no time."

"I don't know about that-"

Kaeya crossed his arms in front of his chest as he spoke, "It'll be on me."

"That's more like it!" You commented with a satisfied expression on your face. It didn't take long for the two of you to place your order with Sara. The two of you ordered a Sweet Madame and a somewhat large Satisfying Salad for the both of you to share. You and Kaeya found a table in front of the small restaurant and sat down there. The food was delightful as always and even once the two of you had finished eating, you stayed in place talking with each other about whatever pleased the both of you.

It took a while before the two of you realized it had become dark and the two of you should change scenery. You both stood as Kaeya spoke, "How about a trip to Angel's Share? Just to close off the night. No need to buy any wine if you don't want to." It takes you a moment to think about it before you nod a "yes" to Kaeya. He begins to walk in the direction of the tavern, stopping only once to use his hand to signal you to follow.

As you walked, the cold night air hit your face and hair. It didn't help that you hadn't at all dressed for the cold, sure you were wearing pants but that didn't excuse the short sleeve top. "What's wrong?" Kaeya teased, a smirk laid on his face, "Can't handle the cold?" "Oh, c'mon." You exclaimed, playfully nudging Kaeya's arm. The two of you laughed together for a few moments before pushing that aside. You knew you'd be alright since the tavern would be warmer inside.

Kaeya was aware of this and yet, he still picked up his arm and wrapped it around your shoulders and pulling you in closer to himself. His hands were now completely warm since he hadn't used his vision in the last few hours. At this rate, you could feel his body heat warm you up just the slightest bit. "Is that any better?" Kaeya questioned, his tone had changed from a cocky and confident one to a caring and loving one. You nodded yes as the tavern entered your sights.

He let go of you to open the door of the tavern and allowed you inside first. It was a kind gesture but you felt a sinking feeling start to rise in your stomach. You and Kaeya had hugged before, on multiple occasions, but this time was different for some reason. It was a strange feeling, you felt almost, disappointed that he let go of you, but you went on without mentioning anything.

Charles stood behind the bar, making multiple drinks at once. You could tell he was sweating a little bit. All in a day's work, you thought to yourself. Kaeya went up to the bar and ordered himself some simple Dandelion Wine. You weren't really in the mood for a drink so you didn't order yourself anything. Both you and Kaeya sat down on the tall chairs in front of the bar making sure to sit down next to each other.

You and Kaeya continued to talk for a long while. It was enjoyable and it filled the small hole that had been created when Kaeya had let go of you. Every now and then Kaeya would take a small sip of his wine, his attention still drawn to you. Every now and then the two of you would include Charles in the conversation to help keep him company. The two of you had stayed there up until it was time for the tavern to close.

The two of you waved and said your goodbye's to Charles and left the tavern, the both of you walked to the fountain in the center of the shopping district of Mondstadt, the two of you walked almost shoulder to shoulder and you wanted to reach for his hand but you decided to hold yourself back. Kaeya seemed to notice this and reached out to hold your hand tightly.

He's done this many times before but just like the hug, it was different. It felt like there were butterflies in your stomach, constantly fluttering without fail. "What's with the nerves? It's just me." Kaeya said none too confidentaly. You felt your face heat up at this remark. your nerves seemed to spike and your stomach was hurting and you felt sick, but you managed a sentence, "I like you, ok?!" You could hear a small gasp from Kaeya. He didn't expect it. Probably cause he doesn't feel the same. He's a living tease. Why did you expect anything good to come from this? You pulled your hand away from Kaeya's as you ran towards the front and exit entrance of Mondstadt.

As you ran, your Hydro vision hit your side every time you took a stride. You took your map out and thought of a place far from here. You were at the Mondstadt gate. Yes, "Wuwang Hill", perfect. It was far and no one would dare follow, especially since it was midnight. You envisioned the dark and musky hill, the light of the domain being the only thing that allowed a person to see in the area. Within seconds your surroundings changed and you were now engulfed in the darkness of the midnight sky over the tall trees. The stone pathway, being lit by the soft glow of the domain. You gulped, tears beginning leaving your eyes.

What an idiot...

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