f•ive {m}

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jaemin yawned tiredly while wandering towards the business department's building, its sleek, box shape so much more intimidating and serious than a few of its counterparts around it. he only majored in this course because taking over a bakery required a bit of common knowledge and that of a degree in finance and business. he didn't want to be stupid and blindly sign contracts in the future that drove his home to the ground.

he noticed the tender breeze shuffling through the trees and sending their gorgeous, emerald leaves into frenzies. his mood was a bit 'meh' as of now, since he worked all weekend and studied his ass off last night. there was a test coming up, and it was eating away at his nerves.

as he yanked the glass door open by the metal bar handle, a vibration against his thigh startled him. "what?" he mumbled, stepping inside to get out of the way before whipping out the device and checking the text.

renjun (naggy princess)
meet me in the art department's
second lecture hall

jaemin audibly choked on his saliva, looking around as if his phone was projected onto a wall where the world could see. obviously that wasn't the case, but suggesting something public was extremely risky...even for renjun. though the more the ravenette thought about it, the further into a silly excuse he found himself. there's no way that's what he wants. he's probably missing a pen and needs to borrow one.

regardless of his insecurities, the young adult proceeded to walk back out of the building and began his unnecessarily lengthy journey towards the artistic section of the college which was a stupid twenty minutes away.

it felt like it took a lifetime, most likely due to the fact that his brain was fizzing with ideas for what the older wanted. wasn't his lecture in session? would he be waiting outside the door for him? why was the text urgent enough to be sent when jaemin himself had a class to attend?

before he could talk himself out of this and send a message back explaining that he literally had a life to get on with (which he did), his feet stopped right outside the needed destination. the beige bricks were clean of any marks, the windows shining against the sun beating upon them, and the most incredible sculptures dotted here and there outside and most likely inside.

"second lecture hall," the male gushed quietly before darting in and letting the automatic doors hiss shut behind him. there was a subtle fountain running along the walls, and the stairs were located in the corner — winding upwards in a spiral. of course, like most buildings, there was a lift to his immediate right, and so he took that instead.

his chest was tight with anxiousness as he stood in there alone, watching the lit numbers above his head increase. once the silver panels slid open again to let him step out onto the floor he had requested, a mountain of students were laughing and messing around at the entrance, obviously waiting to get in.

𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴; renminWhere stories live. Discover now