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Bakugo and I grew up together. It was annoying but fun. We always tried to encourage eachother to do and be with and whatever they wanted. Then...he got into UA. I never wanted to be a hero, he knew that. I helped him with target practice and other stuff for his quirk, but mine was...well the hero life wasn't the one for me.

I wanted to open a baking shop, my quirk was actually really...scary? I could bring things back from its..."expiration date" but once I touched it again it went bye bye for ever. I knew that would be too much for any hero to deal with and if I was a hero villians would find out and blah blah blah. I'd rather be an extra in bakugos story.

He got accepted to a hero agency last month, hes been on the streets saving lives and pulling up in the ranks. Soon he'll be in the top 5, I know I'll be cheering him on. We still keep in contact obviously and I told him about my bakery, he said he'd come visit when he had a day off so I'm hoping he will. But today is hero day, we celebrate all the passed heros and all the current. Ive made bakugo cupcakes and other ones for other heros but bakugos were my last batch.

*bakery bell rings*

Deku:so...why are we here?
Kirishima:cause bakugo told us to get some hero cupcakes. He said this was the best place in town.
Y/n:hi welcome to y/ns cupcakes. What hero were you looking for?

The two stared at me confused.

Deku:i...I know you.
Kirishima:wait...no way this is the chick in bakugos wallet.
Y/n:aw how sweet he still keeps that old picture of us?
Deku:wait, really? Its actually you?
Y/n:um I guess...

They all just stared at me talking to themselves. I gave each of them cupcakes with their specific hero on it and a few of the classic hero cupcakes. They saw me boxing it up and putting it in the register and finally stopped talking. Deku thanked me and kirishima handed me a piece of paper.

Kirishima:this is my number. Text me.
Deku:dude he's gonna kill you.
Y/n:thanks but I don't actually have a phone. I only have my cord phone in the back for business.

They both stared at me in awe. I dont really like having social media or anything. It sounds weird but I just never really needed it. My parents are dead and the rest of my family cut me out of their lives a long time ago. The only person I ever really cared about to begin with was bakugo and his mom but his mom comes in and talks to me every month or so but I haven't seen him in a long time.

Deku:oh...ok well, do you want to come to a party tonight?
Kirishima:here, this is the address. If you wanna come then cool but if you don't we won't tell bakugo so he won't be sad.
Y/n:oh I doubt he'll be sad if I didn't come.
Deku:...he would. Lets go we'll be late.

They left and a few customers came in right after. I ended up selling out early and as I was closing bakugos mom knocked on my window.

Y/n:oh hey, mitsuki
Mitsuki:hey, y/n! Sorry I haven't been in for a while.
Y/n:don't be, you're busy
Mitsuki:oh whats this? A phone number...AND AN ADRESS?
Y/n:oh yeah bakugos friends came in for cupcakes and invited me to a party. They also gave me their number but I have no phone.
Mitsuki:I offered to put you on my family plan.
Y/n:yeah i know, I still don't want a phone though. It seems useless to me.

She nodded and looked at the address then her phone.

Mitsuki:hey this is katsukis apartment.
Mitsuki:yeah. So are you going? I can drive you.
Y/n:oh...I wasn't really sure if I was...

She smiled and we walked out as I closed. We talked about why I didn't want to go which honestly was just because I was scared to see him again. Its been awhile and frankly I've seen him grow into a great hero while I'm just a lame baker.

Mitskui:so...let me help you pick an outfit?
Y/n:you know you act more like my sister than a mom.

She laughed and blushed. We went to my apartment and she picked out a cute outfit for me. It was a red crop top and black skinny jeans with rips and safety pins on them. We grabbed my green combat boots that had little drawings all over them.

Y/n:um...maybe not the green ones.
Y/n:I look like a...i look like a non hero costume bakugo.
Matuski:no! He has orange not red.
Y/n:haha no im going with red boots. Thanks though.

She left to get ready and came back to pick me up. In the car we listened to her favorite music from when she was younger. She always acted like a big sister to me, I think she really wanted a daughter as well as having her son but it just didn't happen. When my parents died she always came to check on me and make sure I was fed and knew I was loved.

They died a few months after bakugo got into UA. His mom told him what happened and he sent me stuff to make me feel better for a whole month. They were good people, nothing really special job wise. But when they died, a villian attacked the town and sadly they got caught in it. I've mourned and I'm ok now but it still sucks to think about too much.

Matsuki:ready kiddo?
Y/n:as ill ever be.

I hoped into her car and we were off. It was 7pm and the party started at 9, matsuki wanted to help her son get the party ready.

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