Hello! Thank you for stopping by and checking out this short story. I was watching a video with my sister of Vanitas getting yeeted into a door and noticed a lot of people were saying that Vanitas got thrown into Arendelle. If you look closely, you can see a snowy forest on the other side of the door. I also saw a cute picture on Pinterest of Vanitas in the snow and my brain went, "What if, after Vanitas gets yeeted, he sort of explores Arendelle and feels happy for the first time in his life, and without his permission, involuntarily gets befriended by a snowman?" Just a thought. 

↓ !Please Read! ↓

But, as a warning, this does have child abuse, mentions of it, self-hatred, and themes of longing for death. If these things make you uncomfortable or are triggers for you, I highly advise reading at your own risk. Remember, your mental health is more important than some story I wrote. Make sure to take care of yourself! Also, if you've read the Vanitas section in the Birth By Sleep novel, you know why I have these warnings. I know most people say that the novels aren't canon, but screw that! Nobody can be an apprentice of Xehanort and not leave without some sort of trauma. I'm calling bull. So, yeah. Anyways, thank you for reading this author's note. Enjoy the story!

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