Chapter 1

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~~Izuku's POV~~

With a yawn amd a stretch I stood up from my desk "all my work for this week is done" I smiled as I put my homework back in my bag and looked at the clock

"lunch time huh guess I can get me some lunch"

I grabbed my collar and put it on before leaving my room and making my way down the stairs to the common area where I saw Denki sitting there alone on the couch with his knees pulled to his chest.

"I thought you and the Bakusquad was going on for lunch"

He looked up at with red puff eyes "they left without me while I was in the shower" when I saw his sad face I felt so much pain in my heart so I clench my shirt where my heart is

"Do you by any chance want to help me cook"

He titled his head "I thought only Bakubro was the only one that could cook" I smiled and shook my head "no we both learned together" he put his knees down and got up

"sounds good let's get to cooking"

~~time skip~~

After we finish cooking I grabbed a few plates and put some on both plates and held it out for him "here". He cautiously took the plate and went to the table and sat down "don't worry you'll love it" I sat down in front of him.

I watch as his face lite up as he took his first bite "omg this better then Bakubro's cooking" I blushed and started to eat "you-you really think so" he nodded as he stuffed his face full

-the way his eyes sparkle which draws me in more-

I shook my head to get rid of those kind of thoughts

-stop it Izuku he's an omega like you-

I glanced at the black velcro collar he has on as I took a bite of my food it's a very basic collar, meaning his family doesn't care- I felt a twinge of pain in my heart

"Izubro why are you staring"

I jumped at the sound of his voice as I came out of my thoughts "I was looking at your collar" he glanced down as he touched it "you know it means don't you" I slowly nodded as I gulped "I do" he sighed and started to pick at his food

"Between you and mean my family resents me and hates the fact that I'm omega"

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