Chapter 4

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Jeremy's POV

I was put into a tube and it closed. Feeling isolated form my friends I slam my body into the glass. I began rising up the chamber and into a blinding light. The light began to invade my eyes and I was almost completely blind when I saw an outline of a tree.

This is it, I thought, this is the Hunger games. The countdown started form thirty seconds. I quickly spotted Max which was next to me, and Jerome which was on the other side on the cornucopia. Why do they have to separate allies from each other.

I had a plan. I would run for the closest weapon, grab it, and run away into the forest.

The countdown counted to fifteen and the lady over the intercom said in a cheerful voice, "May notch be ever in your favor!"






BOOM! A tribute decided to step of his spawn to early and exploded.

Well, that's one less tribute to deal with, I thought.


The timer went off and I ran with Max to the cornucopia. As we ran to the cornucopia someone stopped our path but someone shot them in the back of the head with an arrow. I grabbed his sword and went to grab a backpack when someone came and slashed his sword at me, but my quick reflexes saved me. I slid on my back, grabbed another sword on the ground, because my sword was on my back, and wrestled him to the ground. Max grabbed my other iron sword and stabbed him in the chest. I saw two bows on the ground and 10 arrows.

"Five for me and five for you," I said as I handed Max five arrows. A cannon went off.

"It's so sad how the people that die won't get to see there family anymore," I said as a single tear streaked down my face. Another cannon went off.

I spotted Jerome in the distance. He was the Bacca we met at the training room. A tribute was in the only path to Jerome. I didn't want to waste my arrows so I threw my sword at him. He blocked it and smirked, and the sword flew through the air and landed in the center of his head and a cannon went of. Things from his inventory flew everywhere. He had lots of items: anywhere from food to potions to weapons. Jerome had gone partially into the forest so I followed him with Max right behind me.

"Jerome! Jerome!" Yelled Max as we approached him. Jerome me aimed him now at us and we put our hands up.

"You scared me! I almost shot you! Said Jerome. We continued walking in silence until I decided to speak.
"We should probably go find a place to stay," I spoke.

"Ok," said Max. We all did as I suggested and found a tree to stay in. We settled down. Just as we did I saw a fire start.

"Hey guys, I found someone's camp site," Max said.

"We'll deal with them in the morning," Jerome said sleepily.

The Capitol music started and faces started showing up.

"Only 4 people died? That's unusual," said Jerome, "Maybe most people are having alliances." Then we all went to sleep.


Hey guys!

The games started!

It is so sad that people won't get to see there families that die.

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