Chapter 19: Devo the Cursed

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After a long walk, the group has finally arrived to Emma's restaurant.

Although, I may haven't said this but, Emma's restaurant is huge!

The group entered into the restaurant. They sit on a round table with 10 seats.

Emma is the one taking their orders.  Usually, the waiters taking the customers' orders. But since Emma knows them, she will be the one taking their orders.

Emma: "What are your orders?"

Satella, Echidna and Minerva understand the language of the menu. The rest of the group? They are very confused because they don't understand the language.

Joseph: "I don't understand this language. It's gibberish to me."

Emma is confused.

Emma: "Nani?"

Satella: "I'll tell you. That one over there is a fish steak- wait... "Fish"?"

Emma: "Ah yes! We discovered fish recently. It's really delicious. Try it!"

Satella: "I already know what it tastes like."

Emma: "What!? You don't even try!"

Tanya: "I think most of us knows what it tastes like."

Emma: "What!?"

Minerva: "What does it tastes like?"

Echidna: "In order to know, experience is the best choice."

Satella: "Anyways, I'll order ribs."

Emma: "How many?"

Satella: "Who want ribs?"

Minerva: "Me!"

Echidna: "I'll have tea instead."

Narberal: "I'll take the tea as well."

Emma: "Okay! I'll get them for you all!"

Joseph: "Wait! What about us?"

Emma: "I'm not a waiter. Call one!"

Joseph: "What!?"


At the kitchen...

Emma analyzes every single chef at the kitchen about their cooking. Are they good, bad? Who knows.

Emma sees a chef cooking scallops. The chef tries to flip the scallops, so they won't overcook. But the scallops are stuck on the pan, as if it was glued are something. It looks like he cooked the scallops on the wrong pan.

Emma: "Jamie*! If you cook scallops on a non-stick pan, they won't stick. THAT'S WHY THEY'RE COLD *Bleep*-ing NON-STICK!" *('Jamie' is a nickname)

Jamie is aware about what will happen if he messed up in front of the master chef.

Emma: "I don't know what non-stick means but what the *bleep*!"

Jamie realize that the scallops were overcooked.

Jamie: "*Bleep*"

Emma: "Start over and use a non-stick pan!"

Jamie quickly change the pan to the correct one.

Emma, goes to the other chefs. She sees one chef cooking... In a burning pan.

Emma: "The meat's burnt! You're cooking on a burning pan you idiot!"

The chef tries to remove the fire by blowing into it, but the fire gets bigger.

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