Name on a locker [Pt.1]

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It was around middle school, I had to transfer schools for a couple of reasons. One being the fact I was getting to stressed out from Kacchan and his friends, and Two, my mom was making me. I don't have a quirk and from what I know I'm never going to get one, but that doesn't mean I can't be a hero, right?

     I could feel my moms whining in my head even though I had already left for school, she had been begging me all day to tell her if anything goes wrong. I wouldn't admit it but it got on my nerves ever so slightly.

I sigh softly, a move my slight green bangs from my eyes as I look up at the big sign in front of me. It read 'Nabu Middle school', It made me kinda sad that it was such a different name. I stood there for a good second before some students walking into the entrance caught my eye. It was three girls giggling over something, I wasn't gonna bother listening in though. I take a breath, slowly making my way into the school just like everyone else. I wonder if anyone outside of my classes knew that I was a new student? Probably, I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head as I trail down the hall.

'Now where is my locker again?' I think to myself, I just hardly whispered my thoughts as I made my way up the stairs, onto the 11th grade floor. This was my last year of middle school and everyone was already half way through. Why couldn't my mom just have enrolled me in the beginning of the year?

In just a few minutes I managed to find my locker, number 8857, I was on the second to last on the ride side of the row. "Wonder who's the locker on the side of me. ." I mumble, I close my eyes for a second, I couldn't tell if I was praying or just hoping they wouldn't be mean. A sigh whistles through my lips as I open my eyes, just to see a slightly taller male standing next to me. He had this nice purple plum color to his messy hair. His eyes looked like they were closing in on him as the black circles almost made him look like a crazy punk rock. I gave a nervous smile before quickly reaching down and twisting my lock around, something about the male made my heart pitter patter like mice running from a cat. And not in a bad way.

My mind must have been malfunctioning as I couldn't manage to get my lock undone, a small whine escaped my mouth as I sighed, letting it drop and hit against the locker, laying where it was just seconds ago. "Need a hand?" The male spoke from just behind me, when the hell did he get behind me!? I don't know, but what I do know is that it scared the crap out of me. I look back quickly, a gentle smile creasing my face. "Yes please" I ask, My voice was much different from his, mine was more soft and high while his was deep and mesmerizing. It made goosebumps linger through my body.

The male kinda just stared at me for a second before walking forward and grabbing my lock, he wasn't even doing anything though as he just looked back at me. I was confused, that was until it hit me like a bolder. "S-Sorry! My combo's 34,7,21 I quickly stammered out, he didn't say anything as he moved to start freeing my locker.

It just took a few seconds until it was opened up and I gave a grateful smile. "Thank you" I softly spoke, walking forward as I ease my locker open. I glanced over to say something but before I knew it he was gone. I sighed, throwing my head back with a soft groan, I was gonna ask his name but it was too late, I slowly open my eyes just to tense, there's a name at the top of the males locker, Hitoshi Shinsou. What kind of person had their name on their locker? I wasn't sure but I wouldn't question it anymore, at least I know his name.

The day continued rather easily, I went to my classes, ignored the rude looking kids and talked with the sweet ones. My day was going pretty good. But lunch was rolling around now as I was so hungry. Nabu had their lunch an hour later than Aldera. It was also different because everyone ate outside.

I sighed, making my way down the short path before someone caught my eye. It was that Shinsou kid I saw earlier. He was leaned up against a tree and eating alone, a book in one hand and some Chill Tofu on a fork in his other. I was hesitant, but slowly moved to walk my way over to him, just to get a deadly glare. Well, I couldn't tell if he meant for it to be that mean looking or if it was just because he looked dead in the face. It didn't bother me though. I was slow, but managed my way over to the male and sat next to him. "I saw your locker, Shinsou right?" I asked as he seemed to tighten up a little. "I don't put my name on my locker. But yeah" He growled. I was confused, why was it there then? Whatever, i'd leave it be for now.

It took a few minutes before I knew what to say, but I took a breath and concurred the awkwardness. "I'm Izuku Midoriya" I spoke, my voice full of confidence. Shinsou just looked at me, aiming a sight deadpan as I whine. "Can I eat with you?" I ask right after, because the male didn't seem like he was about to talk to me yet.

Shinsou let the slightest of growls out. "Fine" He murmured, he almost sounded a little desperate when he grumbled out his response. I felt my eyes light up as I smile widely, "Awesome!" I laugh.

Lunch went on. I did most of the talking though as he didn't seem to mind. I was really starting to like this Hitoshi Shinsou, I knew we'd good friends already. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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