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My alarm goes off, annoyingly, waking me up for the day. Chase groans and wraps his arms around me. I can tell he's starting to wake up because of his boner growing more against my back.

I try to get up and he pulls me back into bed, pressing himself on me. "You're not going anywhere. Wife."

I laugh and remove himself from me. "I have to head to work, husband."

"Screw your work." He sighs while sitting up. "This day should be about us breaking in the house. I still have many things to do to you."

"I wish we could have a honeymoon. And after that little stunt, you pulled on me last night, I don't know if I can trust you and the many things, you want to do with me."

"You liked it more than you're leading on." he takes his fingers and begins to sniff them. "I can still smell your arousal." he laughs.

I smack his hands away from his face. "Dont be gross." I joke.

"But on a serious note. We should take two weeks off work and I'll take you on the boat again. We can sail or we can leave the country."

I wrap myself around his sheet...or our sheets, and he follows me out of the room with his boxers on. Together we walk to the kitchen. "I don't know, I'll have to see how work goes. The premier for my play is coming up soon."

Before he was able to say anything, the doorbell rings and Chase walks over to grab it.

"Sorry, I would've called but-" Trevor walks into the house in a hurry. Once he made eye contact with me, I quickly got down behind the counters to hide. "Shit! Sorry!" he shouts.

"It's ok. Amelia go put clothes on." Chase tells me.

Trevor turns and I hurry back to the room to do just that.


"What the hell do you want man?" I ask Trevor as he paces back and forth.

"There's something I need to tell you, but you can't tell Amelia."

"What do you need to tell me that I can't tell my wife?" I scowl at him.

"She's- wait did you say...wife?"

"Yea man, we got married last night. Just don't tell anyone. We plan on saying something at the engagement party."

His eyes get watery and my brows furrowed, I'm confused. Did I say something wrong? What the fuck is he crying for?

"What do you need to tell me, dude? Is everything ok with you and Celeste?"

He sits on the couch, he leaned over and his mouth is covered by his hands. "We're fine." He said. "My dad came back to the house today after being with my uncle."

"Yeah, what the fuck is all that about? Why is he back?"

Trevor steps up to me. "For some reason, he was anxious when he got home. He wanted to talk to me and vent, so I let him. He-he-he told me about his ex-wife."

"You mean the Junkie?"

"She wasn't a Junkie Chase; she was a drunk and died in a car accident."

Taking in his words I didn't understand because I heard something completely different about her. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean, he's been lying to us this whole fucking time." he spits angrily. "He had two kids with her Amelia Bennett and Trevor Bennett. Fucking me!" he shouts but then lowers his voice when he realized Amelia is still home.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now