Death by Scrabble { Wife POV}

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Death by Scrabble is written by Charlie Fish

-I am just writing from the wife POV ( in my own words) 


Today is a hot, blistering Sunday afternoon, and I made my husband play scrabble with me for my amusement. By the face he is making, I can tell that he is annoyed with me. Then again it's not like he have anything better to do today.

He made the first move, spelling BEGIN with the N on the little pink star. Twenty-two points.

I rearrange my letters with a smug expression. Finding joy in his irritated look, while my letters made clicking sounds. I play JINXED, with the J on a double-letter score. 30 points. I'm in the lead.

He started to chew on the letter U, disgusting. He plays WARMER for 22 points.

It's funny how I can tell that he wants to kill me. By the spark of anger and insanity in his eyes a she picked new letters from the bag, he'll most likely want to spell the word kill or something along those words. I peered down at my letters, finding a distraction from the annoying chewing he is causing, and the buzzing insects from outside. I wonder if they are bees? My rack had spelled WSEAIRA. I play SWEATIER, using all of my letters. 24 points plus a 50-point bonus. I wonder if he wants to strangle me, because I am winning. He always been a sore loser. I glanced up at him.

He was sweating from head to toe, a she spell HUMID on the board.

Did it just get hotter in here? My face scrunched up in disgust as the U makes a little splash of saliva when he placed it down. I feel sick. I viewed my letters and told him that I had lousy letters, which I wish was a lie. I play FAN, and got up to full the kettle and turn on the air conditioner. When I went to turn on the air conditioner unit, it zaps me; sends a electric shock through my finger tips. Out of the corner of my eye, my husband wore a satisfied look. I glanced back down at the conditioner, I wonder if something strange is happening. I sat backdown with a heavy sigh and started fiddling with my letter again. Watching his anger slowly build up as the letters made clicking sounds; I feel a murderous vibe around him. Even if he wants to kill me, he will just fail. He's already sweating up a storm and his face kept twitching. He sighs, deeply, and sit back into his chair. Justas the kettle starts whistling. As the whistle builds it makes me feel more amused as I saw him feel hotter. He should be steaming by now. I play READY on a double-letter word for 18, then went to pour myself a cup of tea. "Do you want a cup of tea?" I asked in a sweet tone.

"No I do not want one," he grumbled from behind me.

I heard the sound of letters being moved in the bag. Is he cheating? I gave him a suspicious look. I sat back down with my cup of tea, making a cup-ring on the table.

He plays a 8-letter word: CHEATING, using the A of READY. 64 points, including the 50-point bonus, which means that he is beating me.

"Did you cheat?" I questioned. Not getting answer from him, I play IGNORE on the triple-word for 21points. This sets us at 155 to him, 153 to me. This man literately cheated, and he won't man up to it.

The steam rising from my cup of tea made him sweat more. He played SLEEP.

How ironic, sleeping is what I like best. It give me time away from him. If I remember correctly, our neighbors had a fight and I slept through it. I did nag him for being moody, but he could of found a way to sleep instead of using his lack of sleep on me.

If only there was some way for me to get rid of him.

He plays EXPLODES, using the X of JINXED. 72 points. He's getting cocky. A deafening bang and the air conditioning unit fails.

I almost slipped up and smile at the panic look of his face. He's going to think this game has some kind of magic to it, then again it is. The game will be the end of him; he won't survive. The letters are choosing our future, and you just got to play them at a good time for a outlook you want. After all this ain't the first time I played with this type of game.

I played JINXED for a reason, and this is the reason. The look of fear of his face brings excitement throughout me. This is getting fun. I play SIGN, earning myself 10 points. I glanced up at him, now what is your next move my dear husband?

My hands clinched under the table as he chewed on the letter B, I hate that habit of his. He plays FLY, and sat back in his chair and close his eyes. If only he wanted tea I could of poisoned him by now. He looks like a idiot as he waited to fly.

A fly buzz around above the Scrabble board, surfing the thermals from the tepid cup of tea. He watched it after he opened his eyes. The look of unbelief lied in his eyes, and seeing how this can prove nothing.

He's playing a dangerous game. I play CAUTION, using a blank tile for the N. 18 points. He should stop while he has the chance to. I kept my eyes on the letter B in his mouth. His cousin died by a bee. I wonder if he can too?

He plays QUAKE for 19 points. This fool!

I can feel the slight trembles of the ground and the spark of insanity in my veins as I stared at my letters. DBCETHF lied on my rack.

Now its my turn to command fate. I play DEATH for 34 points, just as the room starts to shake harder.

He gasp with surprise and vindication– and the B that he was chewing on gets lodged in his throat. Watching him try to cough it up in desperation. His face goes red, the blue. I can tell that his throat is swelling up. He drew blood from clawing at his neck. The earthquake builds to a climax.

He falls to the floor. I sat there watching as his eyes slowly dull. A insane smile crossed my face as the last life exited his body.

I stood up and cleaned up the game, and being sure to not trip on his corpse.

I stared at his corpse before moving over to him, and grabbed his leg to drag him. I dragged him to the fire place and lit it up. I cut up his body piece by piece, and threw it in the fire. Watching it burn with interest.

It took about three hours to get rid of him. Now no one would find him and no one would miss him. After all it's not like he had anything better to do in his life.

I turn away from the fire place and went back to the game.

I wonder who wants to play SCRABBLE with me today? The sound of the neighbors fighting raged through the house. I smile, my neighbors would like to play Scrabble with me.

I pick up the game in the box and made my way to their house.

Maybe I can control their fate too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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