Introducing the brains

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In South America in a random rain forrest with a temple containing an artifact called the supreme goggles which are supposed to allow the user to have greater vision and see through objects. The Mythical Force Unit (MFU) is sending out one of their own to retrieve the goggles so they can keep it out of harms way for this mission they're sending out one of the top 3 agents to get the job done. This agent's information is as follows

Codename : Yi

Age : 19

Real name : Benjamin smants

Length : 1.78 Meters/ 5.3 Feet

Weight : 83 Kilograms/ 166 pounds

Hair color : Red

Eye color : Grey

Hair length : Reaches til his lower neck and also sometimes covers the left side of his face

Personality : Typically quiet and calm but if agitated enough he might rage out 

 Likes : Reading fiction and action books about one man army types of protaganists

Dislikes : Being forced to engage in conversation with annoying people and big crowds of people

special power : Molecular Activation = by tapping a certain object twice he can activate it and change its shape and molecules. He can only do so on inanimate objects and because of his specific power he has a cane in which he carries around all sorts of useful molecules which he uses in different situations, usually he likes to make a fire sword out of it. With his cane he can also mark/limit the location that he wishes to use. Yi can also create high tech gadgets and computer as long as he is focused

His attire consists of a full body akin tight black suit, a pair of black pants, a white T-shirt and a red coat. He's as a good a special ops agent as you'd expect him to be and knows how to get the job done. He is the brains of the top 3 greatest agents of MFU, so he won't be easy to beat.

Yi cassually lands in the jungle after sky diving and gets a briefing of his mission.

Commander Dran : Attention Yi can you hear me?

Yi : Loud and clear, what do you need sir ?

Commander Dran : Pay close attention, your mission today should be an easy one. Near your drop zone there is an old temple supposedly built a long time ago but no one knows by who, we've received readings that there is some kind of artifact that's giving off a strange energy signature we would like you to investigate and retrieve whatever is in there do you copy?

Yi : So I'm gonna have to walk around in some old temple for some artifact, sure but are there any obstacles in my way ?

Commander Dran : The myth hunters have been spotted around these areas, be careful if not on your toes at all times. This means I suggest you stop reading books while on missions.

 Yi *sighs* : You're always such a drag about books, ya know it wouldn't hurt if you'd try one.

Commander Dran : We discuss that matter later good luck kid.

Dran then switches off the radio and lets Yi do his usual thing.

Yi then says to himself : "That old man really should get a hobby". Then he grabs a book out of his pocket and starts reading while walking in the direction of the temple. On his way to the temple Yi gets interrupted by some of the before called Myth hunters These are people who have a dislike for the heroes and myths that are both good and bad. They are also against the public they are more like terrorists who specialize in attacking myths and disregarding the law. They are led by Kuja Bija a fearsome man who is not to be taken lightly he is queit the warrior. Anyway Yi gets inerecepted by the foot soldiers of the Myth hunters and doesn't really care much about them, he continues reading his book while he reaches for his cane and marks a square in the ground and taps it twice with his cane ( yes even through objects he is able to use his power) an makes an automatic machine gun which immediately deals with all of his opponents. Yi finally reaches the temple and still uninterested in the world around him he walks in and goes into the deeper caves until someone decides to destroy his concentration. A random figure stands in front of him and sends a gust of wind towards him but Yi immediatley dodges the attack puts his books away and recites a line from his book : " You don't interest me, now go away before I have to deal with you said the great Ricardio when a new foe tries to attack him ".

The mysterious figure reveals herself to be an adolescent girl with a mask depicting a skull on her face and wearing a skin tight black leather suit that seems to be fitted with extra hard armor. She walks closer towards him and says : " Isn't a guy like you supposed to be gentle and kind towards a pretty little girl like me?".

Yi : Who are you and what's your deal? I don't have time to waste on you so if you're a myth like me step aside or the MH might get you.

The weird Girl : The name's Hana, and you're really silly. I took care of all the MH before you got here so it would be just you and me.

Yi : That's alright Hana I guess you wanna die today but first tell me did you happen to find a random item that looks to be of grwat value because its energy levels are off the charts ?

Hana : Hahahaha, You really are silly and yes You mean this thing ? *she waves a blue orb at him* If you want it come and get it, if you can that is.

Yi : Then here we go by the way my name is Yi.

Yi Grabs his cane and charges at Hana who then immediatly jumps back and starts throwing wind shurrikens at Yi. Yi thinks to himself : " She must have some sort f elemetal power which is why she can use the air to her advantage". Yi draws a straight line on the ground and acivates it to become wall of protection. But his efforts seem futile because Hana is ripping right through the wall and doesn't seem to be having ay trouble doing so. Even though Hana seems to have so much raw power and is coming right for Yi he still seems uninterested as if he really doesn't care about the fight by just casually dodging and blocking Hana's attacks and having a bored face all the time. He seems to be only dodging and fighting passively until all of a sudden Hana accidentally manages to land a small cut wound on Yi's face which awakens him to what is happening around him and he immediatley knees Hana in the gut and then gets into an actual fighting pose.

Yi : I didn't expect you to actually land a hit on me so easily.

Hana : Trust me neither did I, but you seem to be able to handle fighting like a big boy when it comes to me just taing it easy.

Yi : Then by all means Attack me at full strength right now and I'll show you the difference between us!

Hana : Only on one condition you have to show me your full strength as well!

Yi : Fine then here goes nothing, there should be enough of everything I need here.

Yi makes a huge square around him and then activates it he yells out : " Go ultimate mecha suit!" and he turns the ground under him into metal and puts it onhim as robot armor and creates a super computer to help him navigate all of his weaponry of the armor suit and then says : " All systems go, weapons online here we go. Now its your turn!!"

Hana puts her hands in the air and summons as much wind power as she can and then surrounds herself in a small tornado like air aura and charges at Yi who had created a flame sword out of his can and sent some fireballs at her and when she had dogded those Yi was right in front of her and snatched the orb from her hand and aimed a canon at her and shot an energy pulse. The pulsefire almost sends Hana flying but she manages to keep her ground but she couldn't retrieve the orb.The two of them decide to duke it out in close combat but eventually they both get tired and after all the collateral damage the 2 of them together have managed to do they bot decide to meet another day and settle their grudges. Hana disappears like the wind and leaves Yi behind who realizes the temple has started to fall in on him and he makes a run for the exit while avoiding a few boulders falling down and makes it out just in the nick of time.

After the mision is complete and Yi sent a message to get picked up he decides to continue his book while waiting on the chopper and ignoring Dran who seems to be giving him a hard time because Yi ended up destroying the temple. Next time we meet the skill of the group Ken!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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