Chapter 9

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-pewds pov-

When I slept I could only dream about that amazing stripper known as Ryan. His gorgeous blue eyes, perfectly swept brunette hair...I wonder if he plays video games? I chuckled to myself, knowing that I can't think of one topic at a time. The morning sun peeked through the cracks of my white curtains, little streams of light dancing as the white fabric flowed slightly from trespassing breezes.

I climbed out of bed, my fist rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes as I walked to the kitchen and did my normal routine. But while I was waiting for my toast to pop out, a knock erupted from my front door. Startled, I jumped at the sound. I scampered to the door, jumping over a small box that held who knows what. As I was about to open the door, I realized that I only had my boxers on.

"O-one second!" I called out, running to my room and putting on some shorts and a shirt. I jumped down the small flight of stairs, passing by the kitchen. The ding of my toast popping out rang, but I ignored it as I walked to the door. When I opened the oak door waves of summer heat bounced onto my skin, as I looked at the person at the door.

Short, brunette hair, waved to the left side. Blue eyes boreing into mine, and a soft childish smile played on his face.


I didn't know what to say. Heat arose of my cheeks as the stripper waved,

"Hey, Felix." His voice was high, gleeful. My heart pounded at the words, so simple but yet so powerful. His smile was just perfect, his face was just perfect. Everything was just perfect.

"H-hey, Ryan, what are you doing here?" I questioned, secretly eyeing the brunette down. He was wearing a light, grey sweater and black shorts that went to his knees. Converses wrapped around his feet. It was weird, seeing a guy who is normally seen almost completely naked wearing casual clothing.

"Oh, I just stopped by to see if you were okay. You seem fine." Ryan reassured, started to turn away. "That's really all I wanted to do. Since you're okay, I guess I will be leaving..." It was almost like the stripper was expecting me to stop him. Sure enough, when he started to walk away I grabbed his arm.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out for a bit, play a few games?" He turned back to me with that attractive smile,

"Sure, I got nothing else better to do today." Ryan nonchalantly walked inside and I followed behind him. Thank god I cleaned my house a few days ago. I beckoned the stripper to sit on the couch, and with a curt nod he obeyed. As I was about to sit next to him and ask what games he likes to play, a burning stench obliterated my nose.

Oh shit my toast!

"What's that smell dude, burning something?" Ryan said with almost a teasing tone. I nodded, and the smaller man laughed. I shook my head as I ran to the kitchen and pulled the now charred toast out of the toaster. Knowing that I am not really that hungry, I tossed the black bread into the garbage.

I was going to go back to join the beautiful Ryan on the couch, but I was stopped by the brunett. Who was standing in front of the entryway to the kitchen, blocking access to the living quarters. A playful smirk was plastered on his face, and I accused,

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing~" He replied in a sing-song voice, practically skipping back into the living room and plopping down on the couch. God, I would have never guessed that Ryan, a famous stripper, would also be childish as fuck. To be honest, it was really cute.

Walking into the living quarters, I saw Ryan looking at a game. I walked over to his side, sitting down next to him and looking at the game. It was Worms Reloaded, a game I haven't played in ages.

"You've played that game before?" I inquired, and the brunette nodded,

"Yeah, my and my little bro used to play this all the time. Good times." He sighed.

"Wanna play it?"

"Yeah dude." I took the game from him, my hands brushing against his. A shock rippled through my arm as I tried to casually put in the game into the Xbox 360. I handed the stripper one of my black controllers. He graciously took it, leaning back on my black leather couch. I sat beside him, as the game music started up.

The game was more intense than I thought it would be.

Ryan litterally beat me in every round, using skillful tactics and maintaining his time wisely to take down all my worms before I could even get rid of one of his. All the while we laughed and joked, almost seeming like we have known each other for ages. But one thing kept on nagging at me. Nostalgia, the feeling of this already had happened. Ryan's laugh, for some reason seemed familiar. I just couldn't connect the dots for some reason.

After about seven rounds, Ryan and I were all laughed out. We continued to make sexual and crude jokes, both of us earning a laugh from the other. All the while, I could feel Ryan scoot closer and closer to me. At one point our shoulders were even touching. But I never protested, and neither did he. And soon, we were both leaning on each other, his head on my shoudler and my head on his head. I was comfortable, watching Ryan calmly shoot my worm in the face, throwing him into the water. He snickered, and I smiled. I didn't care that I was losing. All I cared about was hoping that Ryan couldn't hear my heart beating extreamly fast from his touch.

Knock knock knock. The sound erupted from the front door. Ryan gave me a confused glance, and I shrugged as I paused the game. I was sad to leave the strippers touch, but I had to answer the door. I shuffled to the door, grasping the gold knob and turning it slowly. I pulled open the door, unexpecting who was there. I jumped back from the looming figure at the door, and realized who it was. The reconizeable bear hat and curly brown hair made joy sweep through me. I greeted,

"Hi, Ken!"

Love in a Strip Club: PewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now