Welcome, Miss Thina!

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 Thina could not quite express the variations of excitement that she could feel surging through her body in a way that could remain proper. The only way her body seemed to know how to was through a tense and nervous stature. Her back was noticeably arched inwards in her faulty attempt to sit straight. Her hands and feet took turns fidgeting between each other. Even her slow, shaky breathing revealed the anxiety that the girl felt. She knew she must have been unsightly and was thankful no one was inside of the room quite yet.

The person she was waiting for, Mr. Fukurokuju, was a stranger to her. However, throughout her entire training, she had only heard good things about the man. While he himself was training in the district, he passed his Education course with perfect scores. On top of such an achievement, he had taught himself different forms of phycology that had yet to be experimented with. Thina had brought herself to read many of the books he had written on phycology and found herself amazed at many of the concepts he had created.

From behind her, Thina heard a door slide open. She tried her best not to turn behind her and stare, yet found herself doing it anyways. In the glance, she noticed a man walking into the room, closing the door behind him. Unlike most doors she had witnessed in this building, these were completely see-through. Not only could she bear witness to the people through the glass, but they could bear witness to her. Somehow, this made her more nervous. It would be bad enough to fail in front of Mr. Fukurokuju. However, failing in front of so many strangers would add an extra dose of embarrassment to the mixture.

When she noticed the man getting closer, she averted her gaze from him in her best attempts as to not be rude. She simply stared at the desk before her as he sat down into it. Once he was seated, she took the opportunity to get a good look at the man. This was definitely Mr. Fukurokuju. He looked strikingly similar to many of the photos and sketches she had seen of him. However, witnessing him in person seemed to have almost a majestic feeling. Thina felt as though she was beholding a mystical creature.

Mr. Fukurokuju took a moment to observe the nervous girl and started in a calm and friendly voice, "Are you Miss Thina?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Excellent. I am sure this will go smoothly." Mr. Fukurokuju set out a folder of papers that Thina had not noticed beforehand. Carefully, he opened it and began to read through the papers thoroughly. "It says here that you graduated under the educational course, specializing in phycology?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Very impressive." Mr. Fukurokuju put the papers back down and added, "I must admit I find that very flattering."

Thina blushed in excitement at the comment. "It makes me very happy you do, Sir."

"So I assume you know what this sector of the District is aimed towards. Correct?"

"Of course, Sir. This sector is specialized for students who have suffered extreme trauma or memory loss. My goal upon being accepted into this position would be to be your aide in reversing these traumas and restoring their memories." Thina knew all too well what this class was for. Ever since she had heard of it, she longed to be a part of the staff and community that dedicated themselves to it. Although she did not have any major phycological events affecting her life, she still felt as though she could relate to the students present here.

Just like everyone here, she felt as though she was missing large portions of her childhood. From birth, she never had a single clue who her father was. Simply that her mother engaged with him for profit. Once Thina was old enough to walk and talk, her mother abandoned her without a second to comprehend any remorse. From there, she found herself dwelling in prostitution just like her mother just to come across her next meal. She would steal from, trick, and hurt people just for her own benefit.

In a time of such loneliness, she simply figured that was how the world worked and that there was no one she could relate to for help. However, here, at the Elysian District, they specialized in turning burdens to society into functioning and happy members of society. When she had finally been accepted, her life had only turned around from there. Now, in return to the district that had saved her from more grief in her life, she wished to help other students who had their childhoods taken away from them as she had.

She hoped they could reach a better spot in life such as she had. After all, the golden tie around her neck was evidence of her success. Within the Elysian district, the more advanced you become in your skill, the higher level you become. Thina was a gold level in the course of education. Gold and green. Those were her identifying colors. Everyone in the district had them. Simply by glancing at the clothing of anyone in the district, you could distinguish both their specialties and how skilled in those specialties they are.

"Very good, Thina." Mr. Fukurokuju reached into his desk and pulled from it a relatively thin stack of paper. Gracefully, he slipped it over to Thina and bluntly stated, "These are the primary files for each student. Please read through them carefully so you may get a vague idea of whom you are working with." Thina grabbed ahold of the stack and glanced through the papers. It surprised her exactly how tiny each one was. The information on each of the students was remarkably small.

- Dite: Dite was admitted into Class 12 under the request of her elder brother, Athenos. He believes that she may have memory loss of a "past life." Currently enrolled in the "Government" Class at level 4.
- Dolos: A member from Elysian's orphanage that suffered from memory loss at a young age. Currently enrolled in the "Law & Order" Course at level 2.
- Emma: Was found wandering by the gates of Elysian. Having zero recollection of any of her life beforehand, she has been given the filler name of "Emma." Not currently enrolled in a course.
- Gemini: A very gifted, young woman who has no recollection of her life before joining Class 12. Any shreds of memories she does receive makes little to no sense. Currently enrolled in the entertainment course at level 4.
- Iden: The most recent student admitted into Class 12. turned himself in, claiming that he has no memories of who he once was. Claims his only memory is he knows he needs to be in Elysian. Not currently enrolled in a course.
- Marx: A troubled boy turned into Class 12 when it first opened. Struggles with emotions more than the average student. It is believed he may have experienced a form of trauma before arriving. Currently enrolled in the Military Course as a level 1.
- Pollo: Rather than having lost memories, Pollo claims he has been receiving new memories. Currently enrolled in the "Entertainment" Course at level 3.
- Raen: Raen was retrieved from an encampment that was under attack by hostile monsters. The reported memory loss was caused by the spell of an unidentified witch. Currently enrolled in the "Military" Course as a level 4.
- Yeshua: Despite not having any form of memory loss, Yeshua was still accepted into class 12 for rehabilitation purposes.

"You look disheartened," Mr. Fukurokuju noted. "Do you still feel confident with such little information?" Thina smiled nervously and sweated lightly as she read over the papers once more.

Placing them back down on the desk, she looked back up at Mr. Fukurokuju and attempted to confidently portray herself. "Of course. Even if I need to dedicate the rest of my years to it, I will help these students."

Mr. Fukurokuju smiled in approval. "Very good, Miss Thina." Standing from his chair, he began to work his way over to the exiting doors. "Now if you could follow me, I shall introduce you to your new students." Thina hastily pushed herself upwards and followed the man outside of the room, into the large lounging area that had previously been filled with the students of Class 12. From there, he guided her into another room with not only see-through doors, but see-through walls.

Thina was shocked when she saw all of the students through the transparent walls. This would be her first impression on the class and she had to make sure it went perfectly. Puffing out her chest, she strode confidently into the room and placed herself center in front of all of them. Before she could say anything herself, Mr. Fukurokuju announced, "Class! This is Miss Thina! From this day forth, she will be my aide! I hope that you will all enjoy her company and show her a good year!"

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read up to this point. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to share. I would additionally like to give credit to ItsTimetoBeApathedic for the cover and chapter art. 

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