June 6, 2021

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Yesterday, Kathleen turned four years old. I can't believe it's been that long since the birth of my sister! To celebrate her birthday, my mother went to pick up the cake she ordered for my sister. Then, my mother drove us (my siblings and I) to a gas station to wait for my sister's two aunties and her cousins. My mother and the aunties wanted to celebrate Kathleen's birthday at a park that also had a pool, but my mother didn't know how to get to the park, so she had to follow Kathleen's aunties to the park. Once we arrived at the park, there were so many people. Luckily, we found a spot just for the family! I don't like strangers near me. So, one of Kathleen's aunties took some pictures of her, and so did I. Kathleen held a number 4 golden balloon with a pink dress on. After the photos, everyone ate a piece of a cake and pizzas that the aunties brought. After everyone ate, we went to the park's pool. I didn't want to go inside the pool at first, but I changed my mind and went inside. There was a section at the pool just for little kids, so my mother, siblings, Kathleen's aunties and her cousins, stayed at the section. Damian and I decided to go to the main part of the pool. The water was so cold, but we felt warm afterwards. Damian had so much fear of drowning because our sister Kathleen actually drowned a couple of days ago at another pool. It was scary, but she was fine afterwards. Anyways, I went back to the little kids pool section, and spent some time with my sister Jesiah. She was so happy! After our fun time at the pool, we went to the car and went back home. Kathleen's birthday was seriously a great day for me. I had very mild symptoms of any mental illness that I have. A break from my sick brain is very needed! I'm just so happy that I had a great time yesterday because days like yesterday are rare for me. Besides my happiness, I did have a little worry for my mother because she found out something else that raises the chances that her boyfriend is cheating on her with another woman. My mother said that it's not really about her; it's about the kids. Her boyfriend is barely a father figure to his three children, who are also my siblings as we come from the same mom. My mother and her boyfriend had Kathleen, Ovi, and Jesiah together. My mother doesn't think it's right for her boyfriend to go around meeting women while his kids are at home. The kids do fine without him, but my mother believes that it is morally wrong for him not to take much responsibility for his own children. Of course, when my mother brought this up to him, he played the victim card and called my mother "crazy." People like him usually don't admit their wrongdoings. After his past of evil, it's not surprising that he cares more about being with women than his children. I just hope that my mother puts him on child support. Otherwise, he should go to prison for domestic violence and sexual abuse because it is a fact that he has done terrible things to my mother. The photos of her, videos of him arguing, documentation that I have about his relationship with my mother, and Damian as a witness are all enough to prove his criminal behavior. What he has done is against the law, and I do not like criminals at all, especially if those criminals hurt anyone. Every evil person needs to be held responsible for their actions or else the end of the world is near. The more criminal activity, the more evil there will be. Evil people can poison the minds of young innocent children, which is dangerous for society. The world needs more colorful butterflies, not gray moths.

- June 6, 2021

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