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During the fight, KIRO makes use of his great strength, UISUKII is a case of monkeys, both with bombs, swords and fists, OKE has been practicing the use of the whip and has become good at the art he uses to attack the evil ones, combining it with the use of his daggers.

ESU and WAPURO have been using the power they have been practicing for the petrification of the beings to whom they reach their power.

NAIFU is an excellent swordsman.

Sorcerers have turned out to be too dangerous, the handling of the elements is terrifying.

They all run to the TOIRE signal.

Each and every one of them has been striving to open a path through which, they manage to pass TOIRE, INKU, NEMU AND KEKI.

The others have stayed, they know they will have to be consistent and survive.

This group is responsible for closing the passage behind them to prevent them from following the remaining 4.

The members are strong, but, although they put their hearts into their task, they cannot help but be seriously injured on several occasions, by the strongest sorcerers of CHOSEN.

TOIRE, KEKI, INKU AND NEMU continue to run down the path of the caverns, as they leave, they run into the city of NANEKI.

The whole city has the appearance of an abandoned village, despite being well maintained due to its location within the mountain, the vegetation has taken much of it.

The team can spot the castle in the distance.

The castle retains its majestic façade shaped like a dragon body, its huge head protrudes above the ground like a sleeping dragon, the entrance is located in the middle of its teeth.

This palace is surrounded by an abyss, which is linked to the city by a narrow rock bridge, topped by a rock threshold.

The appearance of this castle is intimidating.

If you realize that this dragon was once alive, you don't know if there's a chance it will come back to life and devour them.

Everyone approaches cautiously.

Meanwhile, the remaining team fights vehemently against the sorcerers, clearly at a disadvantage, they do not have time to attack, they only repel the advance of the enemy.

The interior of the castle is very dark, they find themselves needing KEKI to make a bubble of fire in their hand to be able to see and they keep moving forward.

Having advanced about 20 meters inside the castle, the dragon's mouth closes abruptly.

A strange feeling invades the PRINCESS, it is perhaps a warning that those who wait so long have arrived.

But, she wasn't the only one who felt it, AISU also noticed.

The team no longer has a way to back down, so it hastens its advance, something in the environment has changed, it looks dull and air is scarce. Keki's fire has been extinguished.

At the end of the corridor, there is little light, everyone moves forward cautiously, on the ground there is something strange, they are pieces of something that they kick or step on and that hinders the advance.

NEMU bends down to touch and be able to identify what they are stepping on.

He takes with her a long piece.

When they arrived outside, with that light, they could realize that what NEMU picked up is a human bone.

NEMU, a little scared by the surprise, almost let go, she reacts by squeezing that bone.

It will keep the bone, it will serve as a weapon, at least to hit.

At that exit, the road continues along a staircase that goes into that mountain.

At the end of the staircase, a blinding light is seen.

The team moves forward.

When they cross the threshold, they lose visibility for a moment, when the gaze adapts, they can realize that the legend was not only that, but a truth.

In the middle of that huge room, there is a cubicle located in the middle of a circle-shaped staircase, on which it is located, a threshold to another world.

This is where evil comes from.

Nearby, is AISU, next to it is princess SATORI, enclosed within a space time in the shape of a glass sphere.


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