Imagine Sam saving you from being choked

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Warnings: attempted choking

The day started out pretty regular. I mean regular for you, maybe not everyone else. Your day started like it had for the past three days. You woke up in some random motel that you had been staying at for your most recent hunt. Of course you weren't staying alone.
You were staying with the Winchester brothers. You had been with them for almost 5 years now. Of course you had a tragic backstory, cheesy I know. But it was true, your parents had died when you were around 11. You hopped around homes for a while before going on your own. You were a hunter and you were working a case when you bumped into the brothers. You guys hit it off and became close, so ever since then you had been with them. And ever since about a year ago, you also had started dating Sam the younger brother. Things were great for you right now. That was until today.
You were working your case and you and the brothers thought you had a lead. You went to some old abandoned house where you had heard of the most recent sightings of whatever you were hunting. It was around 10 o clock already. You were in the car on the way there sitting in the back with sam while dean was driving. Your hands were locked together while his thumb was rubbing your hand. Your we're resting your head on his shoulder just closing your eyes and listening to his breathing. You were practically asleep when Sam nudged your head signaling that you were at the house.
You got of the car and got out your guns, and all the other stuff that you were bringing in case since we still didn't know what we were hunting. I was walking up to the house before I feel Sams hand grab my arm and stop me.
"Hey" Sam said quietly while he pulled me close to him.
"What? Something wrong?" I ask confused.
"Nothing really. Just want you to be careful. We don't know what we're going to find in there and I just don't want you to get hurt." Sam said with his puppy dog eyes looking down at me.
"Hey I'll be fine, I know to be careful and cautious obviously." You say as you roll your eyes.
Sam smiles down at you before pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss.
"Can you people hurry up?" An impatient dean asked as he gave me and Sam a grossed out look.
"Oh shut up dean we're coming" I say as I stick my tongue out at him before he does the same.
We walk up to the front door and open the door quietly. It's pitch black inside the house and we're careful not to make too much noise. We split up and go looking at the house. I try and look for any clues about the thing we're hunting. Right now me and the brothers guess is that it's just a regular ghost since all the incidents have occurred in the same place, this house. I walk around some more, the place is a mess, it looks like it's been abandoned for quite some time now. You were just walking around like you had been when you heard something fall behind you. You raised your salt gun immediately and pointed it behind you. Sure enough like usual with ghosts there wasn't anyone there. There was a candlestick on the ground, but nothing else. You kept your gun raised however because it was clear something is here you just haven't found it yet. You walked to the candlestick and bent down to pick it up. As you were bending down you felt cold all of a sudden. You sighed as you knew what that meant. You turned around with your gun quickly but you weren't fast enough. The ghost knocked your gun out of your hand and you felt it's hand wrap around your throat and pick you up. You kicked your legs and tried getting free from its grasp. That didn't work so you tried yelling for sam or dean but you couldn't get the words out as the ghost was cutting off your air supply. You knew you were about to die. You could feel how hard your lungs were searching for air. You could feel your body going limp. You were gasping for what little air you had left when luckily Sam came running into the room probably after hearing your gun fall. His eyes went wide when he sees you in the air gasping for air.
"Y/N" Sam yells as he points his gun at the ghost.
Dean comes running in as Sam shoots a round into the ghost. The ghost drops you as he disappears. You know its not dead, but you were just glad that it's hands were off your throat. You were laying on the ground gasping for air as it was now flooding into your lungs. Sam immediately runs over to you.
"Dean you go find the ghost, I need to stay with her"
Dean nods and runs off to find the ghost.
Sam kneels down next to you and brings you into a tight hug.
"Oh my god are you ok? I would've been in here sooner I'm so sorry it took me so long to come find you." Sam rambles on as you just nod your head trying to get your breathing back to normal.
"Sam it's ok. You couldn't of known. I'm fine anyways just a sore throat" you try to smile as your voice was barely coming out at a whisper. It really didn't hurt that bad, at least that's what you were telling yourself and what you were trying to act like for Sams sake. You knew he would blame himself when it was no ones fault but your own.
Sam smiled at you but you could still see the worry in his eyes. He helps you up as you two went to go find dean and see if he needed help. You found him in the kitchen packing up the bag.
"Did you get him?" Sam ask as we walk in.
"Ya it was easy, just a regular old ghost. You ok kid?" Dean asks me as he looks worriedly at my throat which was already bruising.
"Ya I'll be fine." I smile as I reassure him.
Dean smiles at me as we walk out of the house and pack up the bags into baby. I get in the back with Sam and lean my head into his side. He runs his hands through your hair and kisses your forehead. You cuddle more into his side as you close yours eyes and drifted to sleep.
You woke up as you felt yourself being lifted in someone's arms. You look up and Sam was carrying you bridal style into the motel. You leaned into his side as he looked down and smiled at you. He walked in the motel and set you down on the bed. He went to the bathroom and you got changed for bed. You were in a separate room from Dean. He instead you got separated rooms because he didn't want to see you guys be all "mushy with eachother" as he said it.
Sam came out of the bathroom ready for bed in only his plaid pajama pants. You went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Your neck was covered in bruises. Sam came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. His eyes got sad as he saw your neck.
"I'm so sorry I didn't get there fast enough Y/N I should've stayed with you when we split up. I should've protected you better." Sam would've gone on longer about how it was his fault before you stopped him.
You turned around in his grasp and faced him. He still had his arms on both sides of you.
"Sam what happened was not your fault. I wasn't being careful and I got myself hurt. You couldn't of stopped that. I'm ok I promise. It's just some bruises and a sore throat." You look up at him and smile to try and reassure him more.
"Let's get time bed then and get you some rest" Sams grabs your hand and leads you to the bed. He lays down and you climb in next to him. You turn the lights off and get under the covers. You turn on your side as Sam comes behind you and wraps his arms around you.
"Goodnight Y/N, I love you" Sam says as he shuts his eyes.
"Goodnight Sam, I love you too"
And with that, you went to bed. It wasn't that bad of a day after all.

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