The Bite That Made You Mine

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It was a nice sunny day good for adventurous, especially the three that has just completed a quest, those three ventures were Deku the the swordsman, Uraraka the wizard, and Iida paladin.


"It looks like those wolves won't be won't be disturbing that village again."


"Yes indeed they won't, but next time be more careful Midoriya, that wolf almost bit your head off, luckily I struck it down before it could."


"Y-yeah, thanks again for that Iida.


"Hey what about my thanks, I am the one who healed both of the injuries after after your flight against those wolves."


"She's right, if she wasn't there then our injuries would have been very severe to us, so I give my gratitation to you."


"Y-yeah thanks for being there helping us all the time."

Deku and Iida bowed their heads to uraraka to thank her again.


"Okay you two you can raise your heads you're embarrassing me now."

After that the three of them continued walking on the road, but as they were walking the sun began to set,  Iida took notice of this and measured how much time of sunlight they have left.


"Hmm it seems that the sun is, and by the looks of it we won't make it back to the adventures guild in time, so I think we should spend the night at the tavern that is ahead of us.


"Sounds good to me, I'm sick of sleeping on the cold grounds and eating small rations, a nice bed and warm meal sounds great.


"Yeah that sounds great."


"Then it is settled we will spend the night at a tavern."

The party of three continued walking on the road until they reached the tavern, the three of them got their own rooms and had a warm meal together, after their meal they talked about how they will be splitting their reward once they get back to the adventures guild, but as they were talking Uraraka looked into a bag and saw that you was low on potions and didn't have any more herbs to make more.


"Oh no!"


"What's wrong?"


"My potion supplies has gone low and I don't have any more herbs to make more."


"You could just buy some more herbs once we get back to the guild."


"Yes I could but they cost so much, even the cut of the reward I won't even have enough to make one potion."


"Well while we we're walking all the way to the tavern I saw some herbs that you usually use."


"Really!?, Then that means I don't have to waste all my savings to buy those expensive herbs."

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