*•| 1- the fete day |•*

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        The usually quiet and peaceful village was in full bloom, the atmosphere creating a beautiful impression of a ceremony or celebration. The children were waiting in anticipation of a feast - with gifts, presents and the usual things a child can get on a special day. There was one family, outstanding and different from everyone else, who seemed not bothered by the day. They were so cold hearted , it was a grandiose day for all of Fontaine, the day when the city got free of the aristocratic wrath. How could these people stay at home - unbothered by the events. It was a day given to celebrate the current Hydro Archont, meant to be a festival everyone is supposed to attend.
           However, the two scientists and their kids were at home. Three children- one boy ( who was apparently the oldest ), and two girls - who looked a lot alike. Still, one of them looked older and more serious - a total resemblance of their father.

        - "Look! There are so many people! I have never seen anything like this!"
        - " Stop acting like a total fool, Marco. You're being childish!"
        - " Huh?! It's not me who's acting childish, it's you trying to be more like dad!"
        - " I'm not trying to be more like him!"
        - " No, you are! Look at yourself, you're always so serious and stoic. You are not the one in charge!"
        - " I'm making sure you two won't do anything stupid!"
         Between the arguing siblings, stood a girl, shifting her gaze from one to another at each replica. Her big blue orbs and furrowed eyebrows were showing the girl's confusion. Why were they fighting? Weren't they siblings? Weren't they supposed to be there for each other all the time? She couldn't understand.

                                       . . .
             When the day's vigorous atmosphere has fallen into night, the view from the window never stopped being clear. The  girl still stood on the window frame, observing the colorful state of the village. Children running happily around, playing with all kinds of toys, hugging each other. One particular case caught her attention, how a little girl about her sister's age ran to her father and sought help, since she hit her leg. The father was so gentle, holding his daughter as if she was the finest of all rocks and the shiniest of all jewels. She never understood a fathers affection - since her's was never , and probably would never be, this way. Her little sister however was loved and cherished by the whole family, as if she was a present of Celestia. She didn't understand how she was worse than her, and it really hurt her. She didn't want to hate her little sister, she was so happy when she was born, so why couldn't she love her?

                                       . . .
          - " Are you sure this is a good idea, big brother?"
          - " Of course! You wanted to see the fireworks, didn't you?"
          - " I did.. But we shouldn't sneak out like that! What if father will be mad?"
          - " Then I will protect you! Don't worry little sis, you're completely safe with me!"
          - " Huh... Okay then.."
       Two kids were running down a cliff in a hurry. They were so excited to see the fireworks, they even decided to run away from home. For their sister, the middle child, this idea was really bad. She didn't like it one bit, and she was very concerned for them, because the father would find out either way.

                                       . . .
       The children were now seated on one of the highest places in the whole village. A lot of people gathered there, from adult to child, to watch the beautiful night scenery, and the upcoming fire blasts. The fireworks suddenly started appearing in the sky, one by one. The kids stared in awe at them, amazed by the fire bursts.
        - " Big brother?"
        - " Hm?"
        - " What happened to our father?"
        - " What do you mean? He's completely fine. Full of energy for the upcoming experiments."
          «But not for his kids.»- the boy thought.
        - " No.. I mean, why does he act like that with big sister Michelle?"
        - " Like .. what?"
     The boy perfectly understood what she was talking about. Their father hated just looking at his eldest daughter. Perhaps the cause of it was that she resembled someone to him? Someone he hated? Still, that was no reason to act like that with his child. For every small mistake, she would get scolded more than any of the other siblings. The eldest of the siblings, Marco, was being ignored totally by his father. He didn't mind though, at least he didn't scold or yell at him for nothing. The youngest of them, Coraline, was always praised by him. He didn't exactly hide his preferences, did he? Still, the child never used her "privilege" in any way. More to it, she was always curious as to why her father liked her more than her siblings. The young girl always thought they were better than her at everything, so why..?
          - " Marco?"
          His youngest sister's voice, snapped him out of his thoughts.
          - " Huh? What?"
          - " Look who's here!"
           Near him was seated the second child. Michelle looked so peaceful in the night scenery. Perhaps, away from home, she didn't act exactly like her father? Didn't try to be more like him to gain his respect?
          - " Michelle? I thought you didn't like the idea to sneak out of the house."
          - " Who said I don't, you idiot?! I just thought.. it would be good to sit here with you. You guys are not the only kids y'know!"
          A big smile was plastered over Coraline's face. She was so happy to see her kind sister again. She loved her sister truly.
       Small smiles adorned the oldest siblings faces as well. Both of them couldn't deny, it was indeed nice to sit there all together.

                                       . . .

           Back at home ,however, stood a disappointed father, in the doorway of his youngest child's room. This "fiesta" of a day was crossed out of his calendar for severe reasons. His trauma will never let him sleep normally, as well as his kids. He understood it better than anyone. He still didn't do anything, his weakness taking over him. What a poor excuse of a father.

     Alright! This is the first chapter, and it's more like a prologue to something very big! Tell me how is it and if you guys even like it haha. How do you like the idea of a traumatized family with a big carriage of mental problems?
         Anyway, I would love to see suggestions in the comments! I will try to answer all the questions.
       Bye! ❤️

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