Epilogue - Second Chances

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They say the truth when they say after every darkness, light shines through, after every sadness, happiness will come true, every dream that we dream off comes true when you wish for it will all of your heart and in every sad story there comes a happy ending to it. 

The morning sunlight was scattered around the sky spreading its hues and painting nature in its yellowish hues, the rays were falling into the room from between the thick transparent blanket between the sky and the room, onto her face adding more glow to her face while he continued to gaze her constantly with a content smile on his lips while he thanked the God in heart for sending this angel in his life as his wife, life partner, and soulmate.

It has been three years since they came to Amsterdam and settled their family here completely, after six months of coming here, his wife gave birth to their second daughter who was exact replica of her mother features but in behaviour, she was his completely and they named her Saanjh Rishab Bajaj  as she was born in the evening and Kukki was loving and over-protective elder sister who doesn't tolerate a single scratch on her sister and Saanjh's first birthday was an important and memorable day in their life as Kukki spoke as her first words on that day, while Prerana or he never turned back to see what has happened to Sharmas, Basus or Sharadha and Tanvi as they were not needed in their life, as they were happy with what they had, it took a lot of control on his part when he came to know what they did with their daughter and how they tried to kill her, Prerana, their unborn baby and him, just for his money, he didn't even hesitate when he got them arrested because he never considered them family the way he did with Prerana so it was easy to let go of the anger and hate he felt for them.

He turned around to see his wife standing in front of him in a modern navy blue georgette embroidered Anarkali suit with an angelic smile on her lips and his lips curved into a smile automatically and he pulled her through which made her fall on him with a jerk while he caught her in his embrace through the waist and started to pepper her neck with little butterfly kisses which made her squirm in his embrace as she was ticklish and she whined in protest while he continued to do his work ignoring her.

"Good Morning Jaan," Rishab said placing a sound kiss on her lips and she pouted at him which he pecked and looked at her with puppy eyes which made her melt "Good Morning Rishu," Prerana replied and he smiled listening to the name as it reminded him the time when they started to get comfortable in the relationship and started to call each other with the name was when they became Man and Wife in true sense.

Just then two small forms entered inside and both Prerana and Rishab moved away from each other and smile at their daughters Pragya {Kukki} and Saanjh.

"Good Morning my Princess and Angel," Rishab greeted their daughters "Good Morning Papa/Pa," Both of them replied and yawned loudly, making Prerana and Rishab chuckle.

"I assume, you both ran straight away here as soon as you left the bed right, now come on first brush, your Papa will help you today," Prerana said kissing their foreheads which was a daily ritual for them as it is the way of Prerana to show her love for her daughters. Seeing Rishab and their daughters walking away she sighed contentedly with a smile on her lips and love in her heart for three of them, this is her World which always dreamt to have from childhood and this happened only because of her husband who entered her life in disguise of blessing for which she will always be thankful to God and now she has one thing she wanted to do from a long time, to confess her love for him which she never did and for which he never complained about...

"Jaan, I suggest you stop thinking, come and have breakfast with us as we need to leave for India in an hour, I asked Alex to keep our flight ready on the runway," Rishab said coming with their ready daughters.

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