chapter 21

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Jungkook was just looking at taehyung.. staring at him like he was an adorable thing his eyes couldn't miss a glance off.. there was a knock on the door which kicked them out of their daze..
They both backed away and looked away from each other not able to look..
They saw jongsuk peeking his head inside of the room..
"Oh taehyung-sa your with jungkook..that's good..I wanted to tell that we are going to have a meeting tomorrow at 10.. jimin just said the products are ready and are tested by professionals already..but just for extra ensurance we'll check them by ourselves.." taehyung and jungkook just nodded at him and jongsuk went away...thanks to the dark Atmosphere of the room their prominent blushes weren't visible to him..
"Umm..I should your dinner.." taehyung just went to the living room like nothing happened but their was a hurricane of thoughts awakened in his mind.. giving him a funny feeling at his stomach...
Jungkook sighed falling back at the comfortable chair of his when taehyung closed the door...
He puts his hand on His face rethinking his own thoughts...
What was I even thinking? He groaned audibly he was sure everyone must have already left..he just threw his console on the desk after switching off the computers...
He opened the door to be invited by was sure very noisy when there are people in your house..human body sure does adapt sooner than anything..
He went to his room amused by the structure of human being which was nothing but an poor attempt to throw taehyung out of his mind..
He decided to not give it more thought but boy does our brain work like we want... ofcourse it's involuntary..
He layed on his bed..the silence of the jet black night was killing him...only the twinkling of the stars could be seen on the dark sky as it was a new moon day..a little push of wind made the curtains of his room to float a little..a light buzz of cicadas at the background..the room was relaxing and comfortable enough for anyone to sleep-in..but the prince wasn't sleepy at all...
At the end blaming it to insomnia he decided to play some games on his wasn't long after his sleep devoured him..

Jungkook was at his best trying to not get things awkward with taehyung..but ofcourse all his efforts were going in vain..
He really didn't had the energy to do the small talks too..
Because first the poor child was sleep deprived and second taehyung was making it too hard for him to stay his usual self..the whole day jungkook couldn't even say a word without stuttering or making things awkward.. ofcourse taehyung was enjoying the nervousness very well..but yet he pitied the poor boy too..just to give him some time off the work taehyung send jungkook to get coffee from a far away cafe telling that he loved the americano there..
Jungkook couldn't decline the tempting offer.. because he really needed some fresh air to clear his mind off from some certain things..
He came back from the cafe to meet with a smirking taehyung.. little did he know the boy was nervous but was just doing it to annoy him...
"Enjoyed your time kook?" Taunted taehyung making jungkook look at him in disbelief.."your without any doubt the cockiest person I have ever met.."
Jungkook sat in his own respective seat arranging some papers and taehyung was checking some files waiting for the others to come..
Soon the meeting room was again full with greetings and screeching of the chairs.. everyone was present except hoseok and jin but their seats were occupied by jongsuk and jimin's secretary..
"So let's start...jimin please give us all the details and sample of the products.."
They all agreed the product was nice and texture was just mesmerizing.. too soft and blend-able to was a type of product you would want to have in your must-have collection..
"I'm sure we are at the pinnacle of all our strategy..but miss sonmin was asking about our opinions about the perfume..the masculine scented one will be tested by taehyung or jongsuk...but she asked us to do something about the feminine one.."
Said yoongi.."but shouldn't that be easier as she herself is a woman..I mean I understand the help with the male one but why the female one?" Asked y/n..
"I heard the accident she met into a few years ago nearly took away the sense of her olfactory's quite impressive that's she has reached in this position with such a sensitive health... It's almost like a painter with no eye-sight or singer who is deaf...poor woman I pity her.." said jin..."I'm sure she is doing very well even without our pity so we should just focus on the present...y/n if your free could you go and check them out?" " sorry oppa I actually have a meeting with my own workers when I go back..I don't think I'll be able to do.."
"Uhh it's alright.. jungkook could you go... You know a lot about female scents.. it'll be easier if you go.."
Jungkook's eyes widened not because he didn't wanted to go but because jongsuk just exposed him...
"Why does he know a lot about female scents?" Asked jin..
"Oh.. jungkook prefers them over men's cologne--ouch" jongsuk yelped in pain when jungkook hit his leg with his own.."what?" He asked but only got a glare from jungkook which followed a whine..he saw jungkook cupping his face to hide it from everyone... so he looked around to see all were cooing at him...
He saw taehyung was smiling a little while looking down..
Something was going on between these two and he thinks he knows what is going on....but just for a confirmation he'll go and visit eunjin and ask her about it...
Key word: confirmation not funny business.. totally different purpose.. yup.. absolutely yes...

Taekook moments 2020 gave us and we are grateful for:

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Taekook moments 2020 gave us and we are grateful for:

I Know it's a little short chapter but it was essential as now jongsuk will know about it and the actual fun will begin..

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