Locker trouble

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A/N: this first chapter is about bullying, I am sorry for starting of the book in such a sad manor but it gets better the more chapters I write, also I might be slow to update a lot of times. One last things for the author notes I will either have them at the top of the page or the bottom of the page. Very rarely will you get a separate page for a authors note, though it is possible. I hope you enjoy my book.
speaking : "
thoughts: '
action: 1st or 3rd person

Sykkuno's POV:

Some how I always end up like this, being pushed up against my locker just to get my stuff thrown across the hall. Having the whole hallway laugh and stare at me, today was no different. My main bullies Jackson, Russel and Rein shoved my body into the door of my locker roughly. Russel then proceeded to throw my books and notes across the hall, I should be used to this right? Well that doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt. I could feel my eyes start to water, like waiting for dam to break. 'No Sykkuno don't cry that is just one more reason to be made fun of'. Before I could think about how to make the tears go away I felt the warm, wet tears fall down my cheeks.
"Awww is the baby crying" Jackson said in a mocking manner, while making this stupid baby face that seem to be puppy dog eyes and the lip pout? 'Well if he was trying to make himself look ugly he succeeded before he made that face'. Everyone laughed, I tried making myself calm down and think about how I could go home and play video games with my two best friends Rae and Toast, sadly they go to a different school then me but hey we work it out. Us three have streaming and YouTube channels and have decent amount of followers, I am so excited apparently we are going to be playing Minecraft but they wanted to show me new texture packs. All of a sudden I felt a strong pain in my stomach, oh that's right....  I am being beaten right now.... I then felt another hit and this time it brought me out of my thoughts as I yelped in pain. That seemed to make everyone laugh harder, Rein punched me in the jaw and everything went black. 

Corpse's POV (Very short):
I was walking out of biology to go to my locker when I saw a lot of students laughing and rushing away from the hall my locker was located in, I turn the corner and there I saw why they were all laughing and rushing away, a small boy, or in my case I like to call him Ivy because no matter what he is either taking care of plants, writing about them or is observing them and Ivy seems to fit him best. But anyways Ivy was laying on the ground beaten up, looks like he got a busted lip and a few scrapes here and there. I sighed, Ivy did nothing wrong to anyone. In fact he was the nicest person in this school, I am just waiting for the day he snaps. That would be a sight to see. I go to my locker and get my book bag and pack my things, I start walking but as I am about to walk past Ivy I stop, something in the back of my head tells me to help him. So I bend down picking up all his books first before picking up the small boy bridal style. I try not to look at him to much as I walk to the nurses office, I just drop him off and turn around without looking back and head out to my car to skip the rest of the school day. 

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