Chapter 1

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***I will just like to take this moment to thank you for even opening this story. This is my first published story of my own on here. Comments are appreciated. Thanks again and enjoy.

This is a boyxboyxboy story. So if your not comfortable then please don't comment rude things. ***

(picture of Jessie)

Chapter 1

Jessie's POV

With a start, I jumped up from the bed, drenched in sweat. Shaking I slowly stumbled out of bed and rushed toward my bathroom. Splashing some water onto my face I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Lifeless grey eyes stared back at me surrounded by pale slightly grayish looking skin .I lifted my hands and stared at all the scars that covered my arms, along with bruises and burn marks. They are all in various stages of healing. I gingerly touched the newest bruise on my cheek. It was turning a gross blackish-blue and throbbed painfully when I touched it. A long slightly curved cut trailing from under my ear down to my shoulder. It was raw and bright red but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore. With a sigh I stripped off my clothes and got into the shower. Turning on the hot water, I turned and let the spray hit my small frame. After soaping up and rinsing off, I turned off the water and got out the shower. I grabbed my only towel and quickly pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt and my Deadpool hoodie with my black and white vans. Poking my head out the door to make sure the coast is clear; I grab my book bag and quickly ran down the stairs and out the door not letting it slam so my dad doesn't wake up. Once I got about a block away I slowed down and calmly walked to school. 10 minutes later I reach the gates surround Blackwell Academy and with a sigh I slowly trudge my way to the front door. Even with my head down I could hear and feel the disgusted stares and comments the rest of the student body directed toward me. I quickened my pace and pulled open the door to the school, promptly being hit with the cool air from the air conditioners. I look up to scan the hallway and quickly shuffled to my locker. Tearing off the countless hate notes and disgusting comments and opened it grabbing the books I needed before it was slammed shut and my back was roughly slammed into the door."Good morning little fag fairy. "Sneered the person holding me captive. "Can fairies even be faggots?" he started laughing and his crew joined. I whimpered and tried to wiggle free of his grip."Nuh uh uh Little One, you're not getting away that easily: he laughed and tightened his hold on me. I tried to wiggle free again but was stopped by a swift punch to my gut. Before I could process what just happened and breathe, another one came and many more after that. I cried out and was dropped to the floor when I tried to curl into a ball to evade the torrent of kicks and punches I was being given. They cheered every time about my size and sexuality. They called me things like faggot, Queer Queen, reject, a disgrace, wastes of space and more. Eventually they grew bored and with one more kick they left leaving me to try and crawl my way to the bathroom. This sadly is a normal thing. Every day I came to school only to be brutality beat up by my peers. I pull myself up carefully and slowly make my way to the boy's bathroom to get cleaned up I took a look in the mirror and winced at my face. It was covered in newly forming bruises and blood. My nose was probably broken, I had a huge cut at my hairline that was bleeding heavily, my cheek was swollen also. I carefully lifted my shirt and saw many more bruises littering my body. The left side of my body was hurting a lot more and probably had a few broken ribs. Grabbing my aid kit from my bag I started to patch myself up. I cleaned the cuts and covered them with nude bandages and applied some concealer to the bruises so they won't be as visible. the hardest part was wrapping my ribs with one hand while holding up my shirt with the other one. trying not to injure myself anymore, I quickly wrapped it and pulled my shirt down again, threw away the bloody tissues, put away my concealer and aid kit and slowly made my way to my first period class. The good news was that despite the beating and my injuries i was still on time. The bad thing is that I have class with Marcus Rosario. My crush and my bully.

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