Your poor sensitive ears,tiny raccoon

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Little! Tommy (0-2)

Cg! Phil

Big brothers! Techno and wilbur

Supernatural au: Basically they get weapons or powers on their 15th birthday. :) kinda like the game soulworker or works which ever one.

Kinda long.

Today was the day. Tommy turned 15. His birthday the day he'd get his special powers or weapon or both. Needless to say he was excited.

Phil's ability was medical themed. He could heal someone with minor injuries. And he can fly.

Techno has a large sword that has electric abilitys that he has to finish mastering.

Wilbur can explode things depending on the mass or volume or size of the thing,place. But he does lose energy from the explosions. The bigger the explosion the more energy used. So he'll sleep for long periods of time.

Tommy was the only one without a weapon or powers. But today was the day he'd get his. He hopped out of his bed.

And started to run downstairs. He was met with techno and wilbur who had flour and pancakes on the ceiling.

"What. The. Hell?" Tommy said at his two brothers. "We made you pancakes?" Techno said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"And dad went to get the cake." Wilbur buted in and was in front of techno. Techno sighed. "Do you want maple syrup on yours toms?" Techno asked as he plated pancakes and grabbed the syrup.

"Yeah." Tommy said and techno nodded and placed Tommy's plate on the table. "I'm b-WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE KICHIEN!" Phil yelled as he walked in and sat the cake down on the island.

(Okay were skipping the party scene because I'm lazy so you can write that in the comments if you want.)

Tommy was in his room watching some undertale videos and causing mayhem in dreams minecraft server.

Until he heard a loud ringing and saw a mystery weel appear in his room. It had all of the weapons and powers. It spun around twice.

And then he heard "Electric guitar hero!" (No not the mfing game) and a electric guitar appeared in front of Tommy with a red led looking lights.

It played a loud wave of guitar rifts. This hurt Tommy's ears and caused him to cry out in pain and suffering. Then he felt his feet get wet.

Techno was in his room when he heard water run. He knew wilbur was in his room and phil was cleaning the kitchen. So he went to Tommy's room.

He knocked but no answer so he pulled on the door handle. And saw Tommy sitting in something that seemed to be water. "Tommy?" Techno asked as he  saw Tommy's weapon.

"Bwbbw!" Tommy cried. Techno realized what Tommy was sitting in. He picked up the boy and took him to the bathroom. And turned on the shower and put the boy in after removing his  clothes and helped him with the body wash and getting the right amount.

And wrapped the boy in a towel and went to grabbed Tommy's dipers from his room for protection and grabbed one of Phil's over sized shirt.

He dressed the boy and took Tommy back to his room.  And cuddled with him.

"Shhh it's okay now little raccoon." Techno said and Tommy babbled back to techno.

"Look dad techno and Tommy are cuddling!"

"I see."

"Take a picture while it lasts!"

A/N: I don't know how this turned out and I didn't proof read.


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