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1: Who's the early bird?/Who's the night owl?

Both are night owls, only so they can snuggle and cuddle

2:Who's Big spoon?/ Who's little spoon?

BW is Big spoon and Butterfly is little spoon

3:Who hogs the covers?/Who loved to cuddle

Butterfly hogs the covers sometimes. She can't help it. And they both love to cuddle! You'll be seeing that a lot for this couple!

4: Who wakes the other with Kisses?

BW loves to wake her little buggy up with soft kisses on the neck.

5: Who usually has nightmares?

It's not often, but Butterfly has more nightmares during Thunderstorms

6: Who would have really deep thoughts during the night?/ Who would have them during the day?

None. Butterfly has questioned some logic before, but it really aggravates BW, but she respects her girlfriend 's reasons.

7: Who sweats the small stuff?

No one. But when it comes to special occasions, BW potentially worrys about how she looks

8: Who sleeps in their underwear(or naked?)/ Who sleeps in pajamas?

BW sleeps in her pajamas, Butterfly sleeps in her leggings and has no bra on, so, in case BW can't sleep, she can mess around with her girlfriend 's breasts😏

9: Who makes the coffee?(Or Tea?)

Butterfly taught herself how to make homemade coffee, so she makes that for BW. But for herself? Coffee milk is a must!

10: Who likes sweet?/ Who likes sour

BW loves sour candy! Warheads? sour patch kids? She will KILL for that! Butterfly loves sugar, so, if you have sweet candy, she will ask you nicely if she could have some.

11: Who likes horror movies?/ Who rathers the Romance movies?

Both would rather watch comedy movies. They can't stand either genre

12: Who is smol?/ Who is Tol?

Butterfly is smol. BW is tol.

13: Who is considered a scaredy cat?

Butterfly, not a lot scares her, but she has gotten a few small frights from jumpscares. 😐

14: Who kills the spiders?

None. Despite being scared of spiders, she doesn't kill them( I wonder why.) BW just uses her spider charm to lure it away.

15: Who is scared of the dark?

Butterfly. She still has her childhood night-light(like me-😬)

16: Who's scared of Thunderstorms?

As stated earlier, Butterfly. She gets nightmares during one.

17: Who works?/ Who stays at home?

Both work. BW works as a virtual yoga instructor, Butterfly is a lawyer.

18: Who is a cat person?/Who is a dog person?

Funny story about this. When ever they first started dating, they wanted a pet when Butterfly moved into BW house. She wanted a dog, but Butterfly wanted a cat. They couldn't decide, so you wanna know what they got?.....................a parrot.

19: Who calls the other cute names?

BW calls her the most seductive ones, like: Sexy, Toy, and her personal favorite, all mine

20: Who is dominate?/ Who is Submissive?

Butterfly tried once to dominate, it did not go so good. So she's a Sub, while BW acts like a dom around others and in bed😏

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