chapter 22

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Jungkook and taehyung were sitting in the car, a respective amount of distance between them

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Jungkook and taehyung were sitting in the car, a respective amount of distance between them.. taehyung was checking on some files or momentarily looking out the window..and jungkook sat there awkwardly for a maximum half and hour before he started playing a game on his phone after his mental scolding to himself which ofcourse had a good amount of slaps to which he only got taehyung looking at him with a funny face....they were on their way to the lab to smell the sample of the perfumes..
It was hard for them to finish a work that required almost two months in a two weeks but what's said is said and has to done..
Jungkook just threw his phone on the seat beside him and looked outside, no drops of happiness on his face Because of his small victory..
"Are you upset?" He heard taehyung say..he nodded " not upset it's a big word maybe sullen.. I don't get why hoseok hyung had to shift to Gangnam, even (y/n) noona will shift after a few days, I don't get this sudden announcement.." he sighed and looked outside again..
Yesterday when the meeting ended
y/n stopped everyone to tell them something..
"So guys I know this is quite sudden, but it's necessary.. I'm shifting to Gangnam after the launch... My mum isn't really well and I wanna try and spend the maximum time with her, prioritising her, she asked me to travel with her to Europe it's her dream, that's the only thing she asked me and I couldn't decline maybe for a year or two I'll be working from Gangnam and my most trusted workers will be in charge here in Seoul...." all eyes were on her,
The sudden cheery mood went into a melancholic one in a fraction of time..
"What about hoseok?" She sighed,
"I asked him if he wanted to come, and he agreed.. I told him he should be here with you but he just wanted to come with me" she said and chuckled "wanting to get closer to my mother.."
Jimin saw the tears in her eyes and decided to make the gloomy atmosphere a little Merry for everyone to breathe a little..
"I'm sure you both will enjoy your time together and eomma-nim will be all healthy in a month because the one and only sunshine is going to take care of her.." "I hope she would.." whispered y/n which was barely audible..this time jungkook took the responsibility and said.."ofcourse she would, she has to, don't worry noona and please remember to bring us souvenirs when your back..I'll be waiting for one." Jungkook said while doing his little dance making everyone chuckle at him..y/n just looked at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him from the back,arms around his torso and her face dugged on his fluffy hair, she kissed them and said "such a cute little baby..." And chuckled after that....
The mood lightened a little..

"It's important for them both jungkook.." jungkook face squished between the force of his own body and the glass window.." know you could spend your time with them until they are here and plus it's not that they are going there forever they'll be back in a year or two..and they'll pass in a blink of an eye.."
"Oh really? Should've called Stephen Hawking and asked him to give you private lessons on his theory.."
Jungkook said and looked at him with a bitch-face taehyung looked at him with eyebrows raised again in amusement and asked "what do you mean, butterscotch?" Jungkook's eyebrows raised at the name... Was it a mistake to dye my hair blonde?
"Well according to Hawking's Theory of's only possible for time to pass in a blink of an eye near black hole..and we aren't even near it..Strawberry.." said jungkook smiling innocently.." getting cocky are we?"
"Well you started mr kim." "Oh I did?"
"Is there any other answers with you?" "Well are they with me?"
"Probably not." "Hmm.. alright maybe it was me" they looked at eachother eyes, the space between them long forgotten but their trans was broken when the car stopped abruptly and the driver said..
"We are here sir." They both backed away abruptly, taehyung cleared his throat and firmly Said a yes..they both got out of the car and went towards the lab.."
The whole company was quite unlike theirs, only the sound of shoes or the clicking of heels with the tapping of keyboards were heard..they saw the receptionist who seemed to lost in their looks, jungkook cleared his throat and asked.."which floor is the lab?" "Oh..umm..the 27th floor, do you want me to guide you there sir?"
"No it's alright we'll manage"said Jungkook again and went towards the elevator, he saw the first one was tapped with a yellow restrictor tape..which said 'in repair' so he pushed the button of the other elevator and it opened with a ding noise...they both stepped inside the elevator... there was unsettling and awkward one.. jungkook looked out of the mirror barriers which kept them safe from falling..the scenery infront of him was beautifully breathtaking...the blue sky, the mixture of dark and white clouds floating and wandering about with no reason..the street of the Seoul busy with office workers both men and women.. few yellow school buses could be seen.. the childrens laughing and giggling while crossing the road..the local market was covered with a red plastic each stalls had their own... In the small and thin path between the sellers selling their goods and the buyers bargaining...
The air and atmosphere was intoxicating yet jovial..
His thoughts were cut off with the abruptly stopping of the elevator..
The duo looked at eachother...
The lights went off...but it didn't really mattered as the morning light was still their but as it was going to rain it wasn't as sunny as usual..
"Shit are we stuck?" Said jungkook and went to press the emergency button..he pressing it continuously until he heard ragged breathing..he looked behind and saw taehyung was squished in the corner..the man was barely breathing..he crouched down facing him.."hey taehyung...are you claustrophobic?" He instantly got several nods from the elder....
Jungkook didn't know what to do so he did the first thing that came into his mind..he hugged the elder slightly
Sitting in his lap..he saw taehyung instantly dipped his head in his neck..he was inhaling his scent like it was some kind of drug..if he didn't take he'll die.. jungkook let him do whatever he wanted and just patted his back giving light feather kisses on his neck subconsciously....
After a good 20 minutes they heard hammering and thumping of of something and the door opened..he saw two men wearing head torches and their pockets had some kinds of tools..."is the other person sick..should we call the doctor?"jungkook just shook his head and helped taehyung stand up..he took his right arm and put it on his neck and held his waist to not stumble..he went towards the nearest lounge and made taehyung lay down..he streched his limbs a little and decided to call sonmin and ask her if he could use her office for a little while..

So hey guys I'll so you one of my drawings which isn't really good but I'll show it...

So hey guys I'll so you one of my drawings which isn't really good but I'll show it

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Yeah I know it's quite hard to's just a door with walls surrounding it, stones and Grasses as accesories and the road...

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