The First Meeting

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"Don't get into any trouble."

That warning from her older brother kept ringing in the girl's head as she ran through the hallways of Nekoma High. The brown-haired female dodged the few students still around as she tried to figure out what to do next.

"Hoshina-san, wait!"

Hoshina Ayame's shoulders went stiff and she glanced over her shoulder, her blue eyes catching sight of the club members that had yet to give up. The first-year female yelled, "I already said I wasn't interested!"

"You should consider it a bit more! You'd be a great member of the Karate Club!"

Sorry, Azu-nii, Ayame thought to herself. No matter how she looked at it, she was definitely going to get caught by a faculty member if she didn't get off school grounds soon. But to be fair, she didn't ask to be chased around either.

She wasn't sure how long she had been running around the school, but every time she thought she was safe, a Karate Club member would suddenly pop out of nowhere.

At this rate, she wouldn't be able to take a step outside.

Ayame dashed up the stairs again for the umpteenth time, unsure how much longer this chase would continue. Going up a floor probably wasn't the best idea in hindsight since her goal was to get out of the building, not trap herself by going higher up.

But she didn't have time to think about it.

Ayame spotted an open window and a tree right outside of it. Without hesitation, she jumped onto the ledge and leaped out. Grabbing onto the branch of the tree, she managed to fling her shoes off as well. She was still wearing her indoor shoes and wanted to avoid dirtying them if she could.

Unbeknownst to her though, one of her shoes had hit a black-haired boy who was standing underneath the tree in the head. It wasn't until Ayame landed on her feet and looked around did her blue eyes meet a pair of golden eyes.

Meanwhile, Kozume Kenma did his best to not drop his game console when he was hit in the head with a shoe. Then suddenly, a girl fell from above and landed in front of him. Not only that, but her skirt flew up as well and he caught sight of something he shouldn't have.

"Purple," Kenma murmured. His face flushed pink when he realized what he said and looked away from the girl's glare.

"Last time I checked, you shouldn't be saying the color of a girl's underwear out loud." Ayame straightened her posture and brushed off the pieces of bark that clung to her hands. "At least have the decency to say it in your head."

Kenma frowned, his embarrassment being immediately replaced with anger. It's true that he shouldn't have said the color out loud, but he didn't think he was at fault for that. "Last time I checked, students aren't supposed to be using windows as exits at school. Besides, it's not my fault that you decided to jump while wearing a skirt."

Ayame argued, "That's why I said you should have the decency to say it in your head."


Ayame went stiff once more when she heard her name being yelled again. In a flash, the girl had grabbed Kenma by the collar and dragged him out of view over to the school building, shoving him against the wall.

"Hey!" hissed the boy, but Ayame was quick to shush him. She put her index finger to her mouth and stared straight above them where the window she had jumped out of was.

"Where did Hoshina-san go?!"

"How did she disappear so quickly?!"

Ayame waited until she couldn't hear any voices anymore before releasing Kenma and grabbing her shoes. Dusting off the specks of dirt on her indoor shoes, Ayame glanced at Kenma. The latter didn't say anything to her, but Ayame told him, "You didn't see me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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