Running in the rain

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Millie sat up from Jacobs king sized bed. As she rose she kissed Jacob on the cheek and got up to shower taking her phone from the bedside table with her. She turned the door knob quietly trying not to wake her sleeping boyfriend up.

When she walked in she tripped on Jacobs tooth brush and began to laugh. Millie never thought she could be this happy after last year. But she pulls through because of her fans and boyfriend.

She stripped off her clothes after turning on the shower. She set her phone on the closed toilet and stepped in the shower. The hot water graced her back in harshly. As Millie got used to the water she got more comfortable in Jacobs bathroom.

Suddenly her phone beeped she contemplated whether or not to pick it up. When she finally decided to lift the phone to her face she was shocked at the sight. It was a text from Sadie.

Sadie❤️: Im sorry Mills! Break up with him!

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Sadie❤️: Im sorry Mills! Break up with him!

Millie left the message on read and began to ball her eyes out in the shower. When she got out she decided to play it cool. Throughout the day she dropped settle hints that she knew. Jacob was to dimwitted and cocky to notice any change in Millies mood.
8:36 pm

It was raining and Millie was heartbroken tired. She had no delight in the thought of sleeping at Jacobs tonight. She was gonna tell him she new. She really was.

When they sat down to watch a movie Millie turned to face Jacobs guilty face. A sad look took over her tight and bones face structure. It shifted in ways she hadn't felt since last year. She then spoke up "I know." Millie said quietly. Jacob looked shocked and didn't know what she meant so he spoke back "What?!" The words harshly hit her and she raised her tone "You ch-cheated on me!" He then praised her with his words "Oh baby it was just once please forgive me love." He pleaded on and on as tears dripped down her face. She stood up from the oh so familiar couch and rant o his bed to grab her bag. As Jacob sat on the couch and cried Millie made her way for the door with no hesitation. Jacob didn't even try to plead another case. She walked by all the closed doors and ran for the elevator crying. She pressed the button and the doors opened widely. She stepped in throwing herself in the corner crying. It was empty and cold. She usually wouldn't leave the hotel or anywhere in fact without a body guard but she was to out of it to think. The hotel manager noticed Millie running for the door and he shot her a weird look before she stormed out the glass door. She slammed it behind her and disappeared down the cold, dark, rainy streets of New York. Millie ran and ran down the street. People noticed her and asked her for pictures and autographs that she kindly declined. People were surrounding her so she ran into the next door on her left. It was a small bar. She walked to the corner of the room and began to spark a conversation with the girl pouring drinks. She told her about Jacob and the girl now known as Maddie showed large amounts of sympathy.

After a few drinks she ran outside in the rain again. Her feet made clashing sounds as they hit the puddles on the floor. The rain was falling and the world was crying. At this point she was crying to and screaming. Her face was beat red as her lungs began to burn. All the sudden she was in this haze. Everything was blurry and she was bumping into people that she had been walking against. Millie ran into the street screaming through her heart and not just her clenched lungs. Suddenly Millie tipped into the middle of the streets, cars were swerving her until she made it across. She stopped at the nearest hotel throwing money at the desk men and he escorted her to her room. It was extremely large, but Millie didn't care. She threw her bag on the bed and ran to the balcony. The back of her legs suddenly rubbed down to edged concrete as she pulled a piece of paper out of the trashcan on the deck. It was a poem. The poem read
We talked about the weather
But not the storm inside
We talked about everything
Except what was on our minds

Millie silently read the heartbroken poem to herself which made her tears quicken. She quickly smashed the window with her shoe and took a piece of glass and went back to last year. She carved symbols and runes into her perfectly tan arms. The purest of blood dripped down her body and onto the wet balcony. It mixed with the water to make an unknown substance that she ended up using to draw on the concrete. It was like all the sudden she was possessed. She carved her favorite signs and was sketching something down on the floor. All the sudden things came back to her and she started to cry, tears mixing with the blood and rain that was sitting on the balcony. Millie then looked at the floor in a confused expression. When her head shifted down to the floor many of the same drawing were all over the concrete. It was a rune she had known and drawn on herself since she was a child, isa. Anytime she had gotten depressed and wanted to hurt herself she would take the nearest object that was able to pierce through her soft skin and carve isa into her. She didn't know why she was so drawn to it, but she was. No doubt about it.

Suddenly isa went up in flames and Millie grabbed her backpack from beside her and ran to the other-side of the room. When she turned to face the door she placed her hand on the door knob while blood drew down her arm. It wouldn't open. Omg the door wont open. When that came into her mind she desperately kicked the door as hard as she could. She cried and scream in fear. The fire was trapped outside and it wasn't spreading, but the smoke was. The smoke filled the room as well as Millies lungs. She immediately fell to the floor and the last thing she saw was the beginning of a large fire. It began to spread as her eyes grew heavier and heavier causing Millie to fall into a light daze.

OMG 1120 words I am so proud of myself lol, I just wrote and wrote and now I feel like it is kinda gonna be like a shadow hunters remake but not as fantasy based lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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