First encounter

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Green- like a dark forest with a bit of sunlight shining through the leaves.

The deepest brightest green eyes the world, no, the galaxy has ever seen. Or maybe I am a bit exaggerating. But only a little tiny bit. Frick, I should concentrate on the strangers order and not on his shining eyes. The man is already looking at me weirdly. Head tilted to the right eyes squeezed together a bit. Maybe he is worried I am having a stroke right in front of him. That would be embarrassing and not a good timing, I already have a bad reputation with my new boss I don't need to give him another reason to fire me.

"Pardon me, I didn't catch your Order, Mister" And as if this whole encounter could not get any worse, someone bums into me from behind and my favorite purple notepad and pencil fall right into a puddle next to the Misters shoes. "Fucking shit !!" Trying not to cry because my already bad day just got worse I close my eyes and count to 10. At least I try to but before I can even get to three a warm hand touches my shoulder and a gentle voice asks me: "Are you alright, darling? I did not see ya there. I apologize sincerely for bumping into you." When I look up, I see the same beautiful green eyes from before but this man has a short beard and his body language is more relaxed and open.

"Twins!" I squeal loudly while clapping my hands before I can stop myself. "Oh fuck sorry. That was rude. " I look between the two men. A bit lost what to say and how to breath through the tension.

"The only rude thing is your language, little girl. Excuse my brother, he is oftentimes lost in his head and forgets the world around him. Just like you only minutes ago when I told you that I still needed a minute because I was waiting for my brother. But now that he is here, 15 min to late, we would like one black coffee and one blueberry muffin and ....." "And a green tea with cheese cake, darling"

"Ahhh, yess of course, I will get that right away."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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