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Sorry if my writing is sloppy.
Hopefully you guys still enjoy the drama that occurs!
It's hard to tell when I get votes but don't know your opinions.
love you all for the votes ❤️


I wasn't sure what my dream was telling me last night. I saw my mother. Only she was here to talk to me about how she gave birth to me.  I remember the story on my own because of how many times she told me before. I was on time, like always, on November third, 1998. Twelve in the morning on the dot. She told me I couldn't stop crying until she held me. Her telling me the story is something I can't forget to this day.

Because whenever she told me, she was happy. It was very rare to make her cry happily without liquor.

While sitting at the table during brunch with the crew from work, I couldn't take my mind off this absence of hormones that I haven't received in over a month. The thought of it scared me. But then I realized that the plan B I took could and will make your cycle go ballistic.

Could you imagine me being pregnant with Archer's child?

I will probably drive myself off a bridge if that's the case. But on a serious note, I wouldn't have the kid for me and Chase's sake.

Now that I thought of it, it can't escape my mind.

"What do you think, Amelia?" Cocoa asks me, taking me out of my subconscious mind.


"Spring break, we're going to head down to Florida. the beaches over there are nice."

Khloe scoffs. "Which part?"

"All of it." Cocoa rolls her eyes at Khloe.

Spring break is officially two months away, and I still have to think about what I want to do. Going to California is now on my bucket list since Alexander introduced me to that man. I can have so many opportunities in California I don't even know if I want to stay in New York anymore.

While I've been here, nothing but bad things happen to me. I can list them all, but my mind is too cluttered at the moment.

"I might have plans for spring break." I sip my water.

"Like what?" Sarah asks.

"California." I shrug my shoulders. "Thomas Paine is going to be at my premiere. Archer told me if there's a possibility he'll want me to go to LA."

"Shut up! Thomas Paine?" Gavin slams the table with force. when he saw our shocked expression, he apologized.

"Isn't he that guy that produced River Fork?" Khloe asks.

"Isn't that movie like horror?" Sarah adds.

"He produces more than one Genres," Cocoa tells Sarah, then glances at me. "When the novel is done, do you think he'll produce it for you?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't even know if I want my novel to be public."

Khloe laughs and rolls her eyes. "Of course. Of course, you would waste Archer's time once again."

"Excuse you?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"You know exactly what I mean." Khloe sits up from her seat.

"Khloe, not now," mumbled Cocoa.

"No! I'm tired of having to play fake he-he, ha-ha with little miss perfect that thinks she has life all figured out. You're a complete waste of Archer's time. It's making me upset."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now