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I expected Xavier to be in the guest room this morning since today usually falls on Chase having him. When I asked Chase why he isn't here, he said Violet had some things to figure out. I don't know what he meant by that. I didn't care to ask.

It's not my business.

I fix my coat and walk into Archer's office to grab the tablet.

"Good evening." He tells me.

"Hey," I say in a hurry to avoid any kind of conversation with him that doesn't have to do with work.

"I heard you and Khloe had a little altercation at the brunch Saturday." Archer blurted out before I even touched the doorknob.

"Did you?" I turned around.

I'm starting to get annoyed at how fast and easy things spread around.

"Yeah, along with you not wanting your story published."

I close my eyes. "Of course, she would tell you that. Listen, Archer, this all happened so fast that I didn't even think this would be happening to me. I don't know what I want."

"Have a seat." He gestures to the chair. I line my lips and take a deep breath while walking over to the chair.

"Your story is good. You shouldn't have fear in your heart to put it out there. Yes, it's a little crazy, but it's raw and beautiful. There will be people out there who won't like it, but most people out there will love it. You won't know until you try." He leans back in his chair. "Don't worry about Khloe. She'll get over it. And don't be scared, it'll be ok."

I nod my head. "Thanks, but that wasn't the whole reason why. I am not sure if I can continue these late nights. It's causing issues, and I don't like issues."

"You wouldn't be having issues if he trusts you and lets you live your life," he says it as if I was even talking about Chase. Even though I was, it doesn't concern him or need his input.

Unsure of myself and not knowing what to say next, I told him 'ok' and walked out of the office.

While watching the crew rehearse Act Five, it made me think of Ritchie and Annalise. I'm sure Ellie wonders where they are and if they ever think of her and what they did to ruin her life. I sometimes wonder how she made it out in London. I can't imagine being that young and not having any kind of family around you.

They left a deep scar in Ellie's heart. It's been hard for her. After that, she didn't have anyone, and when she did, I left her as if she was no one to me.

"Good job, guys, go ahead and get ready to run act six. We'll end tonight with that." Archer tells the crew, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Are you ok?" He turns to ask me.

"I'm fine," I tell him. When in reality, I'm worried about something that could happen in the future. That's me, always worried and planning for the future. Especially when I feel like I don't have any control.

"So, your engagement party, am I not invited?" He asked out of nowhere.

"With all due respect, Archer, I don't think the groom would want you there." I grin politely.

"I respect that. Don't worry. I hope it all works out for you, especially since you have L.A. to think about now." Said Archer. And then he walks away, leaving me back with my never-ending mind.

I had called José to give me a lift home after work. He's been really helpful lately, but I never let him go without paying him. I don't know how he does it, but when you call he's there. So I don't need to wait for a cab.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now