Grumpy Clover

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Clover is Sofia's pet bunny (LOL everyone knows). Sometimes he can be very grumpy, grumpy like this time...

"What a horrible day, Sof. Look at these blueberries they are so bland, I can't believe they were once my favorite!" said Clover showing utter loathe towards them.

"Clover, be nice. It took me an HOur to pluck them off the the thorny blueberry bush!" said Sofia telling how much work she has gone through upon bringing Clover a basket of blueberries.

"Huh! nonsense, I'm better off free in the wild, instead of blocked in these fancy walls!" He said ungratefully.

"Don't you remember? Last time, When you swapped your place with Barley? You were completely muddled in the wild! Thank goodness, the kind opossum, Sassofras was there to help you! I know you'll come back to being normal. Now, I need to go to help mum bake some luscious blueberry pie! They are just as good as aunt Tilly's apple pies, I think they are mum's specialty." said Sofia to Clover enthusiastically.

"Don't forget to bring me a slice, too!" Said Clover as she left her room.

"Don't worry, I woooon't" cooed Sofia.

I was muddled in the wild? What a silly talk! I just got dirty that's all, maybe I was born to have different friends other than Sofia too. I'll keep an eye on anyone appearing before my eyes. Thought clover secretly.

Meanwhile in the palace's kitchen room Sofia was helping Queen Miranda bake a blueberry pie.
"Is something wrong?" Chatecized Miranda.

"Actually, yes! Clover says that he feels better in the wild than locked up in the palace" said Sofia, gumly.

"Oh Sofia! I know, Clover can be grumpy sometimes but I know he'll start being to his actual self in no time" said Miranda, knowingly.

"Are you sure?" asked Sofia excitedly.

"Yes! Now let's move on with baking pies, shall we?" Asked Miranda.

"Okay" Replied Sofia.

Next chapter soon.
I noticed a few users voting and following my works, a huge thank you for that! And also I  hope I'd be a known writer soon, support with all your heart!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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