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Hi I know, you want to read the smut already, skip if you like, but I have to explain it to the previous readers :(

You might remember this story, Holding Back Shawn Mendes, and realized it vanished, idk when because I checked my emails and i wasn't notified, probably due to the very graphic images I uploaded here haha my bad. Maybe that's why it was taken down, I'm very sorry that im just fixing this now after like what, months? years? This was just a hobby of mine while I was a student.

Anyway yes I'll be bringing back this story, revised, and set to the standards and protocols of Wattpad to avoid it getting taken down again. Now with this crazy pandemic going around, I hope you're all safe and sound! Remember to wash your hands and stay at home! if you do go out, please acknowledge social distancing and other safety procedures!

#staysafe #staycovidfree

A hugeee thanks to @Sharlie527 again for making this happen! Ya'll should thank her/him/they/them <3

Also with covid shit, it's hard to grasp my time management. I have some unpublished stories that needs editing and writing and then it's all good to go, tho I can't promise anything :(

That is all, my Shlutz

Love, Adam

Holding Back Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now