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Once again my sweet husband, Chase hasn't spoken to me the whole day. I know he's been stressed out since last night. At this point, I'm not sure what to do. After class, I tried to call him, but he didn't answer. So instead, I called José. He took me over to the Miller's since Alex mentioned he wanted to have dinner and talk. 

I walk out of the car and hold onto my small purse. When I reach the front door, Dan is there standing tall and bold, like last time.

"ID?" He asked, even though I was here earlier in the week. You would think he would remember my face. My eyes roll, and I take my ID out. He stood to the side to let me in.

"Hello?" I walk into the house, waiting to see a sign of someone being home. "Alexander?"

Rachel comes down the steps with a coat and tight jeans. Her hair is down, and she has a minimal amount of makeup. "I didn't expect you to be here. Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Oh-uh yeah. Alexander told me that he wanted to have dinner and chat with me. I only came for that."

"He's not here. He and his brother have some business to take care of. I was heading out with Mary and Janice. That is if you want to come with me. Dinner will be on me."

"Why not. I'm off today, and Chase is nowhere to be found." My shoulders lift. 

She drove us to the nearest restaurant. And when we pulled up to go inside the building, Mary and Janice were already there looking at their menu. Along with Blair.

Suddenly I didn't want to be there.

The last time we were around her she had Chase smelling like pot. I thought maybe he was smoking with her, but he confirmed to me that he wasn't. I believed him, or I wanted to believe him.  I think back to the day we visited New Haven, and she was bragging about how she and Chase took each other's virginity. If I were a bitch, I would've done and said terrible things to her. 

Luckily my temper isn't bad. 

My eyes roll in my head just thinking about it.

"Amelia, you should be getting your beauty sleep for the engagement party tomorrow." Said Mary. She stands up to hug me.

"I thought I had plans, but I just tagged along with Rachel," I tell her.

"That's ok. Girl's night is always well needed."

Janice and her daughter turn to face me. Janice has on a blue blouse, and her hair is curled down. Blair has on a dress with long sleeves. Her hair is up in a bun, making her sapphire blue eyes pierce harshly, outstanding the rest of her features. She's still intimidating. I would never not say a girl isn't beautiful, because that's not the kind of person I am. 

But she's really beautiful, I hate it. She doesn't even have to try. 

Janice grins while I take a seat. "I didn't think you would last long enough for me to see you the fourth time. Let me see the ring." She puts her palm out. Why does she always feel like Chase and I won't last long enough? From the outside world, it may seem so, but people don't know what goes on in our hearts about each other.

I hand her my left hand, and she glares at the ring. "Stunning!" She gasped.

I didn't want to be a showoff, especially since Blair looked at it as if I am and rolled her eyes. So I pull my hand back and tucked it under the table, on my lap.

"Is there a set date for the wedding yet?" Asked Janice.

Since Chase and I are already married, I'm not too sure what to say besides, "We haven't made a decision yet, but soon we will." 

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now