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This chapter touches on the topic. Nothing graphic.

please don't read it if you have a weak stomach. I nearly cried writing it. It wasn't easy. but this is the truth of it

Sorry if this makes you hate the story. I hate myself for this being a part of it

Hopefully, you can read till the end of the book.

In no way am I glorifying or romanticizing the kind of abuse that occurs in this story!

So please don't think so.

Since it is my Engagement party is tonight, I had the day off from work. I wrapped my hair in a tight bun and grabbed the dress that Mary had sent over to me last week. It's long silky olive green with an opening at my chest. At first, I didn't think it would look that great on me, but it fit perfectly once I placed it on. I didn't do my makeup because Mary already has something planned for that.

Chase is feeling better this morning, just not fully. I thought I heard him crying in the shower before I joined him. I didn't intrude. I only let him feel his distress because at this point he has to feel it. That was until he yelled at me to get my, ass, in there. We connected in the shower to start off our evening.

I didn't want to bring up Xavier just because I know it would bring him back down. I even asked him if he wants to reschedule the party a few times, but he wants this just as bad.

He's trying to be a good person, and he has to be going through something like this. It pains me.

He may be hurt because Xavier is no longer someone he needs to worry about, but he still loves the kid. That's the hard part.

I know this because before he jumped in the shower, he pulled out a picture he found in his drawers of himself and Xavier. Instead of throwing the picture away, he tucked it in his wallet. It is like a memory that he can never forget until he gets a kid of his own.

"Amelia, let's go. My mom will not stop calling me." Chase shouted from the living room.

I fix my hair and grabbed my purse and my coat to head out of the bedroom.

Once I stepped out, delight flickered in his eyes. He slowly walks up to me in his olive-green suit and white dress shirt underneath. He doesn't have a tie on as it already looks formal on him. And when I tried to force him to wear the tie, I got him again, he argued with me on a hundred reasons why he shouldn't wear a tie. He said he will just be using it for me from now on.

He kisses my hand. "You- look- stunning. I'm so glad you're my wife." He said to me while circling around me and kissing my back shoulders.

"I think we might be a few minutes late." He adds, and I look at him confused.

He drops his keys and turns me around towards the hallway. Giggles escaped my mouth when he lifted me up and guided us to the bedroom again.

That makes it three times we connected today, from midnight to this evening.

After the quick session of what he would call, pounding, we stopped by the apartment to pick up Ellie. She doesn't know this yet, but I invited Nolan to tag along with Claudia.

Not for my sake, but just for her.

We pull up to the house that Mary now owns to herself. Before stepping in, my stomach gained random moths in them. I don't know why I'm so nervous telling everyone that Chase and I are already married.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now