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~Chase ~

I stand in the bathroom staring at myself through the mirror while placing my new watch on. Rachel had called this morning and told me that she wants to have dinner with Amelia and me. I could only imagine what this dinner could bring. Only I am not worried about the dinner. It's Amelia I worry about.

For days on end, she hates the idea of being around me. Almost makes me feel like she doesn't love me anymore. She doesn't want me to touch her or cuddle her at night. And she's been making our lives into a competition of who gets to be more stressed out than the other.

I know she's been going through it. But she's been a fucking headache. So yea I smoked a little to relieve some stress. I don't find anything wrong with that shit.

She hated the idea of going to the dinner she told me to reschedule, I can't blame her, but Rachel had no idea about the whole situation. I had to force her and do a bit of convincing.

I walk out of the bathroom and watch as she places on her short white heels. Her royal blue dress reaches her upper thighs. My mouth instantly starts to water. It's crazy how only Amelia makes me feel this way now. No one can ever pass off as her.

You can have ten strippers in front of me, and Amelia will be running through my mind, half-naked most of the time. I even imagine her in lingerie, but I'm not going to get too deep into that.

I am deeply and madly in love with her. Even during these hard times, because I know this shit will pass.

"Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again." I lift her from the bed. I lean in to kiss her in all hopes that today, she will kiss me back.

As I leaned in she turned her face for me to only kiss her cheeks.

"Thank you." She smiles at me. "It's just Rachel and us, right?"

I nod my head at her. "And Dan, the new bodyguard." I laugh, and she does the same.

"If I didn't know any better, Alex got the bodyguard to protect himself from someone." She said.

Then a light bulb goes off in my head.

I don't know why I didn't think about it before, but he did just get the bodyguard. Maybe someone is after him. I wouldn't be surprised if it was his own brother.

We step out of the car when we had reached and walked up the driveway.

"ID?" Dan stands in front of us.

Amelia's eyes roll as she takes out her wallet. "Not like I changed a bit." She mumbles.

"No hard feelings. It's only protocol," said Dan.

She must have dealt with him before. Dan is tall, taller than me, he's buff and stiff.

"Hello?" I call out while we walk in.

"In here!" Rachel calls out from the dining room.

"I'm so glad you guys came." She smiles while walking up to us.

Amelia got uncomfortable, her body molded into mine. I took the chance of being this close to her again and held her by the waist. I'm sure it's hard to face Rachel now, especially after figuring out she's her stepdaughter like Trevor is her stepson.

"Hi, Amelia," Rachel says with a calm, gentle tone and a meaningful grin. "I'm thankful you agreed to come. Please, have a seat and make yourself comfortable, as always." She smiled. I know Rachel is nervous as fuck.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now