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That dinner was terrible. The moment I found out it wasn't just the three of us, I wanted to blame Chase so badly for it, but I knew it wasn't his fault, and I shouldn't be so rough on him. I can say for the past week. He's been so supportive. Even with the security, I know he only wants me safe.

"Can you catch up already!?" Chase turns to shout at me. 

I'm all the way near the end of the neighborhood while he's five houses down. I don't know how I've gotten out of shape. But he is beating my ass at jogging. My hands fall to my knees. I hunch over but then forgot I am supposed to place my hands over my head to breathe better. "Give me a break." I pant. "Since when did you start running so well?" 

"Since the day you told me to do it." He jogs towards me. He attempted to kiss me on the lips but I turn my cheek to him. Anything affectionate is really starting to drive me the wrong way and I hate it. Because before I remembered what Ritchie did to me, I was fine. In fact, I craved sexual attraction. But now, I wish I hadn't. 

Chase being the best man he can be, plays it off like it's cool. I know he wants to say something about it but he doesn't bring it up. 

"My mouth is so dry." I smack my tongue on the roof of my mouth. 

"This is why I dont run during the winter. It's the worst." He comes close to me. "Can I pick you up?" 

I hesitate to say anything but then nod my head. There's no way I'm going to make it to the house. 

Chase runs with me in his arms. I scream for him to slow down and laugh when he begins to complain about his mouth being dry too. "Is this what that cotton mouth thing you told me about feels like?" I asked him. 

He slowed down. "I'm surprised you remember that. Yes and no. When you smoke too much, your mouth dries, and all you have is cotton spit. When running your throat is dry and there is no saliva to ease the feeling." 

"Well then hurry up. I need water." I tell him. 

He smiles down at me and picks up the pace again. When we reach the lot of our house Chase didn't seem to realize that there was a slippery concrete nearby. Chase slipped and dropped us both to the ground. We laughed so hard we both nearly peed ourselves. 

I walked on campus with my bags and into the west wing building. This morning brought my sports up a lot and I have to thank Chase for that. I bumped into a few people while trying to find my typed paper. When I looked up, the first person I saw was Trixi and Delilah holding their books while talking to my very own Husband.

Confused, I walked over to them with no hesitation and rubbed his back.

"Oh, hey." He tells me.

Oh, hey? He told me he was heading to the club in the morning before coming here.

"You're here early," I tell him.

"Yeah, I had to drop an assignment off. I won't be in class later today." He tells me.

"We should probably go," Said, Delilah.

"No, stay," Chase tells her. "We'll Trixi, you should go. I only needed to speak to Delilah." 

Trixi holds up her middle finger at Chase and walks off after touching Delilah's arm. She goes to stand a far, awaiting Delilah. 

 "There's this Valentine's party coming up, and I was asking them questions about it. I want us to go." Chase said to me. 

"It's right down the street from the apartment. Nothing crazy. It's more like a fundraiser. So just let me know if you are coming," Delilah tells us, then walks away.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now