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I place the white scarf on and grab my small bag from the closet. It's finally the weekend. February eleventh, year twenty-eighteen, and I am about to premiere my first-ever work.

Looking at myself through my mirror, I should've put on more mascara, or at least some blush. Who am I kidding? I'll be anxious all night; I won't even be needing blush. I shake, pushing my hair back. "This is going to be a disaster."

"Don't be nervous." He comes up from behind me and kisses my shoulders softly. For the first, I didn't flinch at his touch. If anything I'm beginning to miss his touch. "It'll come out great. I just know it." The fact that he's still supporting me even though we had our downs makes my heart warm even more. I hold on to him as the small droplets of tears flow out of my eyes. "Why are you crying." He asks curiously.

"I don't know. Maybe my period is finally going to come." I laugh. "Ugh! This is crazy. I'm scared." He grins down at me.

He headed towards the bathroom and came back with the charm bracelet he got me. "I know it's not exactly like the one your mother gave you, but the thought is all that really matters. Don't forget she's here with you. She has your back, and I have your back. Always and forever. Don't you ever forget that?"

"You're going to run my mascara." I cry, leaning on him after he placed it on me. "What would I do without you."

"I should be asking you that question." He kisses my forehead.

While in the car, the song 'All I Want by Kodaline played. Surprisingly Instead of Chase changing it, he played the song and turned it up. I spent my time laughing at him as he starts singing the song. "I'm surprised you're even listening to this."

He glances at me and grins. "Please, I have sung 'A Thousand Miles' to you while I was drunk off my ass, don't underestimate me."

He grabs my hand and pulls it close to his chest. "I heard this song the other day, and all I could think about was you, so I put it on my playlist."

"How come?" I look up at him in awe.

"You told me you wanted to go to L.A. I was scared, and I still am. I know you're going to like it there. But I don't know if I can handle long-distant marriage."

I wanted to tell him if I did want to leave, he could just come with me. But I must be honest with myself. I know he wouldn't. He already has a lot going on down here. This is his home. And I wouldn't mind having some space to myself.

"I love that you thought of me through a song. Let's not focus on L.A. right now. Live in the moment, right?"

"Right." He grins.

Walking up to the theater, there are already cars lining up and people going in. Chase helped me out of the car and gave the keys to the valet. I stumbled a bit with my dress. Chase was there to catch me. Walking in, it was crowded. I nearly started to sweat, seeing how many people will see what goes on in my head when I write. It's extremely nerve-breaking.

I witnessed Archer near the stage, and he signaled me to go to him. "Okay, I have to go. Wish me luck." I turn back to Chase. He pulled me close and kissed me on my head.

"You have all the luck you need." He pulls up my hands to show me my charm bracelet. I smile brightly and kiss him on his cheek. Lately, the way he's been treating me has me falling in love all over again. It's a pleasant warm feeling on the inside that makes me never want the moment to end.

I head backstage where he needed me to be. Everyone was there. "Alright, crew, Thomas Paine is out there in the front row. Let's not make Amelia look bad out here," says Archer. He laughs, and so does everyone else in the huddle.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now