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This morning Chase had surprised me with chocolates, flowers, and breakfast in bed. I had to compliment him as he had gotten better with his cooking skills. Now if only he could clean properly. Before me his cleaning was exceptional. it took me a while to realize that Roger was the one the one that did most of the cooking when he lived here. He laughed at my comment about it and demanded that I stay in bed while he went and cleaned up his mess.  

I was in heaven. Now I'm in hell. 

We have all of our lives to be busy. We almost lost sight of that. Here we are on a Tuesday night, Valentine's Day, partying with all these people I barely know, except Ellie and Roger just like it was before, only this time the party seemed calm. There wasn't loud obnoxious music and the drinks were down to a minimum. 

Delilah walks up to us with a cute red sweater and jean shorts with holes. "I have to say it's fucking weird seeing you guys together like this," she sips the drink in her hand.

"Super fucking weird." Trixi walks up behind her.  Obviously, she hasn't wasted any time here. She seemed drunk already, she probably had most of the drinks the place had. "Hi, Chase." She bats her eyes at him playfully.

Chase held up a salutation hand as a greeting instead of saying anything to her. He pulls me close to his side, and I lean in on him. My left hand grazed his chest in a warming way. 

"Is that a ring?" Delilah grabs my hands.

 "Yeah, it is," I replied and yanked it back from her. 

"We got married." Said, Chase. 

Trixi choked on her drink and then laughed. "You gave it up to him once, and he puts a ring on your finger, props to you."

"The night we married was our first time," I tell her matter-of-factly.

"Still doesn't mean you don't know how to keep your legs closed. You know I heard about your little boss who has a thing on you, Archer, is it?" It seems to me Trixi still gets the new updates about me. Now I have to find out who has been talking.

To this day, I still want to punch her in the face. "How about you shove your nose in your own problems? Have you stopped shooting up your arm yet?" I questioned her.

Trixi steps up to me, and I do the same to get in her face. This would be the second time we came close to fighting, and today I wanted to give it to her. She's been asking for it for months. What's one little punch going to do to her? Hopefully, break her nose. She doesn't put fear in my heart anymore. I've dealt with worse. 

"Ok, let's go this way." Chase pulls me away from the two of them. "Cool down, hellcat." He tells me.

"I don't understand how you were friends with her once." I roll my eyes. "Or yet, slept with her.

"I was desperate and horny. Even she knows that; she's was stuck in this fantasy world with all those damn drugs." I push my hair back and laugh. He placed a gentle kiss on my head. 

We found Ellie while she was with Roger dancing. They look perfect together. It warms my heart to see her so happy with him. The music in here was slow, and long, even the crowd had simmered down just for all the love bugs in here.

"What's gotten you upset?" Ellie asks as her eyes meet mine.

"Don't ask," Chase says, then looks behind him. "I'll be back, ok?" He tells me, then walks off. I thought maybe he would share a dance with me, but now that I think of it, Chase had never shared a dance with me. I hope he will break out of that when our wedding comes around. 

I stand with Ellie, and Roger stands behind her. "So, called for staying by your side the whole time. Where is he going?" Said, Ellie.

He walks over to a group of guys and exchanges manly greetings with two of them. There were girls following the guys like a big group of groupies, and they walked toward the back. "Who are those guys?" I asked.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now