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I counted the hours on the clock while waiting for the discharge papers to be finalized

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I counted the hours on the clock while waiting for the discharge papers to be finalized. This would be my second time In a hospital for the start of New Year. It almost feel like it's a sign to abort my current location and start somewhere else.

When I reached home, I heard Chase on the phone complaining to the police department about the incident. Since I was in the property of the club. He would need to go through questioning.

I didn't see reason to it. I already told them who it was that did this to me. When I told them his name, they acted as if they already chose his side.

I urged for no visitors of any kind. I didn't feel like being asked a series of questions that I don't have the energy to answer. The only person I see myself talking to is Dr. Gonzales.

"How does all of this make you feel?" she asked me.

"Like shit. I don't know why I always get the worst ends of life. At this point I wished I was anyone else's shoes."

She nodded her head. Before she spoke Chase came in the room abrublty with food and ice cream in hand. When he saw I was busy he said, "sorry, I'll wait till your done." he slowly backed out the room and shut the door.

I turn to see Gonzales smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"That seems like it's going well."

"Him? Yeah, he's been supportive about it all."

"Do you think maybe that him being like that and your family checking on you and being there for you, outweigh the bad parts of your life?"

I shrug. "I guess. Still doesn't make up for the fact that I've been assaulted as a child, my mother was a drunk that got herself killed, my father was absent in my life, my only best friend and ex slept together behind my back, I got groppped on by two disgusting men my first few nights in New York, I was humiliated during my own party, my current partner cheated on me once and had a drug and drinking addiction, maybe he still does have one. And need I forget Jackson, Alex, and Ritchie."

At this point I rather hide in a ditch and never come out, butI wouldn't tell her that.

"I have all those written down in your file. Trust me. I know it may seem like it's bad, but you always have to look at the good. You have a Novel in the making, you have a husband that was kind enough to put your name on his business. You have a home, clothes, friends and family. You can't let the bad get to you. It will only eat alive your humanity."

"Try not to stay in the house too much. Obviously take this time to recover but in a week from now, I want you to continue on living your life, but still channel those emotions and write down what your feeling. Don't bottle it all in."

Taking in her advice, always seemed like it could be easy, but applying it was hard.

A week later, I'm starting to get used to all the royal treatment I've been getting from Chase. He's been the most supportive ond yet. I even get bubble baths with nude massages, and some light intimacy for stress relief.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now