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After class, I ran around the campus as I used to when I lived in the apartment. Running took my mind off a lot, as I had to focus on my breathing. While waiting at the crosswalk and keeping my pace in place, a tall guy with headphones in his ears runs in place next to me. Looking upright, Luke stands with a hoodie and sweatpants on.

"You again?" I tell him out of breath.

He looks down at me and pulls his headphones out. "You again?" He grins, then stopped jogging in place. "I... I saw what happened. I'm glad you're here." His hands touched my shoulders, stopping me from jogging.

"I'm glad I'm here too. Dying really wasn't on my list just yet." I laugh.

"You look good like you're not letting what happened to eat you up." He compliments me, making me smile wider.

"That's exactly the look I was going for." I place my hands on my head, trying to catch my breath. "Chase and I have been cooped up in the house for days. I just needed to get out and do something."

His head falls, and he grins. "I hope he's been taking loving care of you. You sure damn deserve it. If he isn't, then you can always ask him for my number."

"That's asking for trouble. He is doing fine anyways. We have been getting the shit part of luck lately, but we'll be ok though."

"Good. My father has been asking about you guys, and I don't really know what to tell him. That's why I asked."

"Wait...Calvin is living with you?"

"Yeah, you didn't hear? Mary kicked him out. The poor guy didn't have anywhere to go. He asked my mom to stay at the house when. Alex told him to stay away from him. I don't know why he needs a place to stay when he has plenty of money for himself."

That is so weird. I wonder if Mary knows that.

"I'm just hoping I don't find them making out somewhere. He's not capable of being around any woman." he continued.

"So, you know what he did to Mary?"

"Yeah, really terrible. I don't know how she managed to wait this long to end it all."

We walk across the street as the light changes. "Sometimes, we just need a lot of confidence to make a decision." I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah, but that's a big one."

I sigh, and my eyes fall to the floor. I only said that for my own benefit as well. I must have some type of confidence to make this decision about L.A.

"Are you ok?" He asks me.

"Yeah, just got a lot going on." I smile. "Anyways, I should go. I have a lot of things to catch up on for school. It was nice seeing you again." Once we said our goodbyes, I got an uber for home. A week ago, today, I was kidnapped, and it honestly concerned me to walk in the house with no one home.

I walked in and got a sense of smell, of dinner. Chase was in the kitchen cooking or finishing up cooking, making the house smell delicious. It is not all the time I come home, and he has dinner ready, but when he does, he always tries his best. He stares at me while I am walking in with a smile.

"You're just in time." He kisses me on the lips with force.

"In time for what?" looking around the kitchen and staring at the food he worked hard for, I had to ask him.

"Step outside." He picks up a plate of uncooked hot dogs that needed to be placed on a grill, and Macaroni cheese.

Walking towards the back doors, fairy lights hang across the tress to the roof of the house, and the fire pit is on. There is a small crowd of people that I know of, hanging around the hot tub and the fire pit. Light music plays in the background, the talking overpowers it.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now