Chapter 1

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Walking out of the office I sat inside my car.

"Club" I said to my driver.

Suddenly my locket started to vibrate. I furrowed my eyebrows. It has been more than ten years since this last happened. Why now.

I pulled it out and opened it.

"He...lp pl..ease.." Her voice.

"where are you?" I said thinking what the hell is happening.

The line suddenly went dead.

I pulled out my laptop and connected the locket.

"DRIVE FAST TO THIS LOCATION" I said to my driver giving him the exact location.

"Everything fine." My best friend Vince asked from the front side.


Within fifteen minutes we were standing in front of a abandon warehouse.

"We should not go inside it belongs to Russian" Vince said from my side.

"I need to see her." I ran inside the building without a second thought knowing that Vince is beside me.

"momma.." a child crying can be heard.

I opened the basement door.

My whole world crashed down in few seconds.

"My GOD." Vince whispered

I kneeled down beside her holding.

"You.." She whispered.

"Everything is going to be fine."

"I a...m not to make...o..ut of situa..tion. They plan..ted a boom within me. I a..m to ask.. for a favour."

I nodded my head tears streaming down from my eyes.

"Tak..e" she pointed towards the girl.

Suddenly her body started to shake.

" will blast in two minutes please. I love you...."

"Love you too."

my heart was not allowing me to go away from my queen. I planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled the girl with me and ran outside.

I know I will never be able to see her again. What hurted most I can't even save her. The moment we were near the car the building blasted.

Vince was holding the child While I saw the warehouse burning.

"Momma.." She cried. I took her from his arm and sat in the car.

After some time she slept.

How cruel life is taking someone's mother away from a child.

For first time in last fifteen years I cried. For losing my queen.

For losing the love of my life.

For not saving her.


See you soon.....


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