A Moment Of Silence

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       This is basically a written version of the tornado episode moment in season two I wrote a few months back. It isn't the greatest, so I apologize XD

      "Amy, look out!" Jonah screamed, pulling me under the service desk as a piece of  debris flew past us, hitting a spot on the floor where I had just been seconds ago.

     I had no doubt the tornado was close. So close, I almost passed out. The only thing calming me down was Jonah's embrace. He held me close, my head resting on his chest. I felt tears brimming in my eyes. My mind wandered off to Emma, desperately wondering if she was safe with Adam. I hoped with all my heart that they were safe somewhere. Somewhere far from here.

       I could feel the beat of Jonah's heart, his pulse racing at the situation. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as I heard distant screams of my coworkers. Names I knew by heart, but I couldn't place them right at the moment.

      "It's alright. You'll be okay." Jonah mumbled. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or reassuring himself.

       I felt my pulse quicken as I realized how close I was to him. Sure, I was scared out of my mind. Tornados had been my worst fear as a kid, and none of that had really dissipated. But all of the wind, flying debris in the store, and the rest of the chaos just seemed to fade right then.

      I felt a tear make its way down my cheek, and soak right into Jonah's shirt as I realized something.

      I was in love with him.

      I was in love with Jonah Simms. The man who would never stop talking. The man who was annoying, irritating, a complete pest.

      But he was the man who could make me smile, though I tried not to show it. I was so stupid for not realizing it sooner.

       I almost laughed at the fact that he would probably never be as protective as he was now, shielding me with his own body from flying merchandise. He was trying his best to be calm, passing his hand soothingly back and forth across my shoulder. It was something Adam had never done. I cared about him, but it wasn't until after Emma was born that I realized I wasn't exactly happy, and I could tell he wasn't either. He had left Cheyenne's wedding so angry with me, but I couldn't blame him. I knew at that moment that my marriage wasn't going to last, as much as I wanted it to, for Emma's sake. I was upset at that fact, and Adam wasn't the one there to comfort me. It had been Jonah. It had always been Jonah.

     I felt his breath in my hair as he hugged me tightly, the wind getting stronger. It took all of my will power to lift my head to be nose to nose with the hazel eyes that were always bright with amusement, now full of fear. It broke my heart. I had seen Jonah look a lot of things, excited, embarrassed, even nervous, but i had never seen him scared.

     His eyes were wide, staring straight into mine, his face only centimeters away.

      Before I had any clue what I was doing, I lifted my head  even more, and our lips met. Jonah seemed shocked at first, but then immediately melted into the kiss. The situation was crazy, sure. But I wanted Jonah to know how I felt if we died right here right now.

     Everything seemed blurred. Jonah was an extremely good kisser. I had only thought about kissing him a couple of times, and I had regretted that thought right after, but now I didn't. I didn't care about Adam, or Christine at the moment. It was just...us.

    And then it was over. No more wind, no more chaos. I pulled away, and Jonah sighed, a slight blush darkening his cheeks. I stood like nothing had ever happened, but the view of the store quickly reminded me that this was real. I gasped.

     Cloud 9 was...destroyed. Shelves, merchandise, and even freezer doors were strewn across ground. It was just...gone. The floor I had supervised for over 14 years was ruined.

      I vaguely saw Dina and Garret come out from where the paper products used to be. Mateo came from his corner near the dressing rooms. They all looked okay, no major injuries. That was good.

      Glenn came from the inventory room with about 7 employees and a couple customers and Sandra had come out of the other storage area with the rest of the floor workers. I couldn't believe it was anything but a miracle.

     I turned back towards Jonah, who held his arms out. I threw myself into his embrace, my breathing still heavy. "Amy-" Jonah started. "Shh." I cut him off. "I don't want to talk about this right now." I could feel his nod against my head. "Okay." He whispered. 


Love y'all 💞

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