You were saved

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Your Pov

You couldn't stop thinking about what she said. Your mothers words cut deeper than knives. It made your body give out. You were going on one of your walks. It was late like usual. The streets of England were dangerous. But nothing you couldn't handle. Tears started slipping from your eyes. You kept your head down walking on the side walk. Until you saw them. There were 2 men across the street. You were young and small. Very small. Especially compared to them. They were at least 2 feet taller than you. They crossed the street still looking at you. But you refrained from making eye contact and continued looking down. You could not stop thinking about what your mom had said. You knew you needed to get out of that house. Although it was very cold it didn't seem to bother you. You were so distracted by your thoughts that you didn't feel them shove you to the ground. They were drunk. The men got on top and punched you in the face. He grabbed your neck and picked you up. You could barely breathe. They just laughed as he dragged you to the alley. Your clothes were ripped off. They would grip you so hard that it would bruise. You couldn't move to get away. Then he quickly pushed you against the wall. And pulled down your underwear. He pulled down his pants and pushed it inside of you. It hurt so bad but every time you whimpered they would smack you harder. Leaving marks all over your body. He moved fast and hard until he came inside of you. Then the other man did the same. They would hold you throat tightly. Keeping you from moving while they beat you. Then he finished. You were so weak. They kept hurting you. You were barely alive. They dragged your body back to the street. And shoved you down to the brick wall. Then they walked away. You could hear their laughs get quieter. Your eyes shut and you laid there for minutes. Once you opened them again you had the strength to fix yourself up a bit. Pulling your pants back up so no one would see your bare skin. It was the middle of the night now so practically no one was around. You could here yourself breathing. It was hard but you managed. After a few seconds you stood up. You started to cry. As it hit you. What had just happened. You were dizzy and could barely see. It was all blurry. You were about to fall over. There was blood coming from parts of your body but you couldn't find where. You didn't care you just sobbed in your hands. Then you looked back up. Trying to walk forward you saw a blob. It was a person. You held your hands out to get your balance. Just so they wouldn't notice your state.

"Are you alright darling?" The women said.
It was a women. She sounded Australian but you couldn't really tell. You felt her getting closer. You were about to collapse. Until you fell into her arms. She was warm.

"Oh honey." She said looking down at you
You looked up and she saw the bruises. And the cuts. And all the tears in your eyes. Your legs went numb but somehow you got the courage to stand.
"I- sorry." Was all you could say. Stepping away from the women. You wiped your eyes and began to see her. Her slender figure covered by a long gray coat. She had a white button down blouse and black jeans on. Her hair was blonde, shoulder length, it looked so soft. Then you met her eyes. They were crystal blue. You just stared. You could get lost in them forever.

"Are you alright?" She managed to say. Knowing you weren't but you could tell she cared.
"I- I am fine. Sorry I- didn't mean to touch you. That was umm wrong." You mumbled looking down
"Hey its okay, you fell nothing, to be sorry about. Don't worry darling." She said lifting your chin.

Your chest got tight. You stopped breathing. You tried for air but you were panicking. You thought about it again. And were scared. Your eyes filled up with tears again. As you gasped for air.
"Hey look at me. Breath. Just breathe. I am right here every thing is going to be okay. I promise just focus on me okay?" She came down to your level and put her hand on your cheek. She wiped the tears.
Then she pulled you in for a hug. You hadn't had one in a long time. I guess she could tell you needed it. She smelled amazing. Your lungs filled with air as you began to calm down.

"Honey what happened?" She said softly not letting you go.
"I- umm well- these umm men they..." you started but then began crying again.
"It okay darling in right here. They can't hurt you again." She whispered
It made you pull away. You wiped your face with your arm.
"I am sorry, I mean you don't even know me and you care. Why do you care. I am just a girl who.." you rambled but were stopped by her warm embrace again.

"Honey its okay. Just stop for a second. Don't worry about me. C'mon lets get you somewhere warm." She back away and kept her arm around you. You tried to say no but couldn't even talk. She started walking but you just stood there. Your legs were weak. She came back and picked you up off your feet. She knew you couldn't walk. Your legs wrapped around her waist and your head was buried in her neck. You cried again. Then she opened a car door. Or at least thats what it sounded like. Then she sat you inside and shut it. She swiftly moved around the car and hopped in the drivers seat. Your eyes met hers as she started to drive.
"So darling, what is your name?" She asked smiling
You tried to smile and replied.
"That is a lovely name. I am cate. Cate Blanchett." She said with a strong Australian accent.
"Oh-" you said. Oh my god you are in cate blanchetts car. She is right there. You loved her. You were obsessed with her. You had seen every one of her films. Every one of her interviews. You started becoming short of breathe. You don't know why you didn't realize it before. You eyes had been blurry so you couldn't really make out a face. For all you know you could have been getting kidnapped. But then you saw it. You saw her face. Her soft cheekbones and blue eyes. She was perfect.
"Oh?" She questioned, bring you out of your thoughts
"I umm- I really like you." You looked down
"You do?" She said seductively
"Well I umm I know about you and stuff." You tried to stay composed
"Is that so? Well Y/N since you already know about me, I feel like I should know about you?" She looked over meeting your eyes. Then they met the road once again. The street lights were dim. It was cold.
"I am umm y/a. And umm I used to live with my mom. Until tonight. And now I don't know where I will live. Because she kind of kicked me out. And yea." You mumbled
There was a silence in the car.
"I am sorry, I should not have shared that much with you. I-" you tried to explain but you stopped when she placed her hand on your thigh.
"Sweetheart stop being sorry." She said

Then the car turned off. You heard her get out but you didn't. She opened your door and helped you out. She had her arm around your waist. Which you relied on heavily. You eventually got up the steps and she unlocked the door. She helped you inside. And then sat you on her couch.
"Oh my god." You said
"What? Is something wrong darling?" She looked concerned and stood above you.
"I am in Cate Blanchett's house!" You said nervously
"Oh honey. You scared me." She laughed and took of her coat. Placing it on the chair in the dining room.
"Here let me get you some water." She yelled from the kitchen
"No I am alright thanks." You replied
Then she walked back in with a glass of water
"It wasn't a question darling." She sat next to you and handed it over

You were still bleeding. And you were cold.
"I am going to fix you up okay?"
You nodded and watched her leave.

She came back with bandages and a blanket.
"This may hurt a little. But I have an idea. You can say no but this always works for me. I need to pour alcohol to clean them so you need a distraction. I am going to kiss you so you won't feel it alright?" She said softly
"I mean I don't want you to if you don't want to." You looked away shyly
"No honey I insist. I promise its the only thing that works. And maybe I want to kiss you." She looks away blushing
"Then kiss me." You grab her chin and pull it to yours. Your eyes lock. Your lips hover over hers. You place your hands on her cheeks. Then you kiss. It was soft at first. But then grew more passionate.
"Okay done." She pulled away
You looked down to see your cuts all wet from the alcohol.
"I didn't even feel it." You met her blue eyes
"Told you." She smirked and finished bandaging them up.

Then someone barged in the door. It was a man. He was blackout drunk. You saw his face. It was him.
"Andrew your drunk!" Cate exclaimed looking over at him.
"So?" He mumbled
You had the moat scared look on your face. It was him.

Cate is my blanketWhere stories live. Discover now