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Snow fell hard on that particular day. Slowly, timidly, beautifully falling at first, but by midday, it seemed like angry giants were throwing crushed ice from the Northern Peaks. The strong winds carried frozen fractals, bitterly cold and sharp and scary. The storm had been brewing for the past few days, and its rage was felt like never before.

But Sul was not afraid, not even a tiny bit. From the day she was born, and until the day she dies, there will always be snow. Winter is their life.

"You should head back inside the village, Sul." said the watcher. His name is Hyun, a tall, lean male in his young adulthood; his overgrown raven black hair flying all over from the strong blowing of the stormwind. All the Winter Folks share the feature of having raven black hair, thick and shiny in contrast to their pale white skin. His was nearing his shoulders, as most of the men his age liked to keep it that way. He carried a bow and a quiver of arrows on his back, with obvious signs of being unused for quite some time. Hyun stays in his station at the southern part of their village day and night, calm or storm, manning the post as the lookout for possible dangers.

"But I like it here. Everything is silent except the howling of the winds. And I bet you need some company." answered Sul while making arrows for her bow. Hers were a little smaller than Hyun's, fit for her build. Not too long yet not too short either. She believed that the skill of the archer, not the size of the arrows matters.

"The storm is getting no weaker. Times like this are dangerous, you know. Go back and keep warm in the hut. If something happens to you, I will not take responsibility." he nagged.

Sul rolled her eyes. Hyun always says that, but she knows that he cares for her. She knew that he likes to act cold towards her, but he is really a warm person. He is her big brother after all.

She went back to sharpening her arrows. On the day she turned twelve, her father gave her a bow and a quiver of arrows fletched with white feathers, as white as the freshly fallen snow. She started learning to shoot with those arrows and she loved every moment of it. Later on after getting tired of shooting snow balls for her targets, Hyun took her with him to hunt. She learned how to shoot a hare 200 feet away straight in the eyes. For Sul, those are her most possessions.

She heard Min, her family's wolfdog, rise from lying beside her. Hyun stood as well. His movements were quick and alert. Sul remained seated at her spot, although she could sense her companions' sudden wariness.

"Something's out there. Min can sense it too." Hyun remarked cautiously, his words nearly drowned from the howling of the stormwinds. His eyes never left his front, one hand clutching his bow, the other preparing to load an arrow, ready to shoot at the first sign of trouble. This time, Sul stood beside him, mirroring his stance.

"I see nothing." she whispered. All she can see is the thick snow falling. Everything is white and fog; beyond is almost zero visibility. It was like a wall of white thick curtains before their eyes.

But then, a movement caught her vision. A silhouette of something slowly approaching. Then comes another one, and another. White Tigers? Not quite as bulky. Wandering wolfdogs? Unlikely for pack creatures.

As they came nearer, it dawned her: travelers.

"Sul, I need you to go back to the village and tell the Chieftain about this. They might be dangerous, a threat even. Try not to be seen as you go." Hyun instructed as he lit the reserve lamps in his station. He was going to meet them.

But she did not wish to go back to the village. She wanted to see the travelers. She wanted to welcome them and greet them. She wanted to have the first glimpse of someone from outside their village. She wanted to know what other Folks are like. She would not miss the chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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