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(I want to say a huge thanks to forjsng for allowing me to write a book based on their idea! So I'm just writing everything in my words, but the plot/idea credit belongs all to her❤️)


Now in this school, Seoul University, Park Jisung is the talk of the school. Why you may ask? Simply because he's the most sweetest boy on campus. He's the boy who helps other students with homework and helps teachers with simple tasks. He's also the most attractive person on campus.

If you think about it, he has always been much more than just 'Jisung' to me. It's cheesy to say this but he has always had my heart. He's my world, my other half.

It's crazy to think I've liked him since 8th grade, and since then I would always steal quick glances in hallways or even in class.

My friends tried convincing me he liked me back, but I always missed the small hints Jisung threw at me so I never believed them. Which is weird because one of his close friends tried telling me he liked me.

Here's a small secret, at graduation, I was sure it would be the last time I would ever see him again. Dramatic right? Well, I tried to look at him as much as possible. We made eye contact a few times, but damn, he was looking fine that day.

Also, I was very envious of all of the girls he talk to or even dated. Especially the one girl he was close to, I could never bring myself to like her although she was nothing but sweet to me. I guess that was me being petty all over again.

I'm sorry Yujin, I'm not sure where you are in life but I hope you are doing well. I hope I didn't offend you to much in high school, who am I kidding, I probably did.

Let's skip to after graduation, yeah me and Jisung get into the same, top, university. So I'm sure you know where this is going, typically love story. Maybe in the outside it is, but behind closed doors? Totally different.

Nothing was ever perfect, and that's where I quickly learned. You may ask, why not end it all? Well, I was a college student who was in denial over her long time crush now boyfriend.

Long story short, I didn't want to believe he didn't love me, I was scared. He had been my crush for so long, I loved the boy he presented, and I knew he was still inside of this boy.

We all do things we don't mean, so that's why I'm still with him. After a mess up, we go on a date, spend time together, and act like a couple. That's why I love him, he thinks about me.

But really, I know it's not true. Our love, isn't true. We only say it because we are scared, we are scared to be alone.

I'll write down every fight we have ever had, and what happens after, just to let every girl that has ever wanted to be with Park Jisung.

He isn't the boy we all thought he was, it was just a facade.

And I was the girl he had to trick and break. Stay away from him, I'm warning you for your safety.

Enough For You // JisungWhere stories live. Discover now