Devil's High

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"Lights please," a deep voice said.

*Spotlight turns on*

"Could you turn off the lights, I think they might be a tad too bright for me." The man didn't reply, he just continued to rummage through a stack of papers.

The room was dark except for the light that shined on me and the man to my left. The man wore an all black suit with black tie. You would think he's going to a funeral or something. "Hey what the hell is this? Why am I here? And why the hell am I chained up to this desk?" I shouted as I slammed my fist onto the desk.

The man looked up from his work towards me, his facial expression unchanged from my little outburst then returned to his work a few seconds later. "Still no reply huh, talk about anti-social. Jeeze what a useless guy he can't tell me nothing. By the looks of it I'm going to be here awhile right?" The man in the suit nodded to my surprise.

"Hey you're finally answering me or well showing signs of life so I guess that's a start." I kicked back in my seat breathing a heavy sigh of relief. I chuckled, "and I thought I was locked in here like some prisoner or something." The man nodded again as he lifted a huge briefcase onto the table.

The briefcase slammed onto the table startling me and causing a long echo in the small room. It felt as if the echo lasted for hours. "Hey wait buddy if I'm not mistaken you just nodded again right?" The strange man nodded again. "What the hell you must be mistaken man, I ain't nobody's prisoner!"

I got up prying at the chains that bound me. "Hey you really shouldn't do that kid." The strange man finally said. "Oh now you want to talk when I want to escape right. Why don't you shut the hell up and continue doing that boring shit that had you occupied a second ago."

Tch bastard wanna talk all of a sudden. Like hell i'm going to listen to that asshole. "Hey Kid I'm telling you it would be the best idea to stop right now." I stopped what I was doing and looked up. "Hey what did I say you old fart. Shut your pie hole already!" The man started to laugh uncontrollably, "oh man I warned yah this going to be good." He said with a devilish grin on his face.


"Hey old man umm do you hear that beeping sound?" I asked the old man looking around confused. "Nope it must be your imagination." He replied without looking up from his readings in the newspaper. "No I swear I can hear a beeping sound and it's gradually getting louder." The man flipped a page, "nope I think your getting a little paranoid."

"Dude I'm not friggin paranoid! I know I can hear that noise, it's annoying as hell." Turning another page,"dude can you stop calling me dude. I have a name you know how about you try using it."

*Humming sound*

"Yeah now it's a humming sound I don't think that sounds too good." The man got up and started to pull his chair back towards the wall. "Yah your right that doesn't sound too good. I actually don't like that sound so I'll sit over here." I tugged on the chain, "hey aren't you going to help me!"

"Yeah umm about that I can't help you." He continued to read his newspaper. "Hey why can't you help me dude that sound is getting louder." The guy continued to read his newspaper. "Well I'm already in a comfy spot and I don't want to move and well like you said I'm a useless bastard." He said with a smile. "You son of a bitch when I get free I'm going to kick you ass!"

"Oh also for future reference when you wake up the name's Dave not son of a bitch." I had a puzzled look on my face. "Remember I warned you not to touch anything. Well this is your punishment, dude." The room turned loud drowning out all the silence with a boisterous humming sound. What's that crackling sound now? Zap, zap oh shit. *Zap*

"Aaahhh," I screamed as the electricity coursed through my body. The pain was sharp slicing at my body. My body's numb now I can't feel a thing. I fell to the floor out cold. "Dumbass kid I warned him he just wouldn't listen. Welcome to the Devil's Ward Kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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