Season 1 Episode 12 - Mattress(Part 1)

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Narrator: "So here's what you missed last time... Will's getting the kids ready for sectionals, where they're up against a school for the deaf,"
Mr. Rumba: "I can't hear you. Talk into this ear. Scarlet fever."
Will: "You're on!"
Narrator: "And a group of juvie girls."
Grace: "Aphasia, give Mr. Schuester his wallet back."
Narrator: "But it turns out both of them are really good. Also, Terri said she's pregnant, but really, she's faking and Will and Kelly don't know."
Terri: "This baby's the only reason he's still here."
Narrator: "But Quinn does know and has decided to give her baby to Terri."
Quinn: "You can have her."
Narrator: "She's also lying to Kelly about it, and she really doesn't like liars."
Quinn: "But we're okay?"
Kelly: "Yeah, I guess just don't lie to me again."
Narrator: "Speaking of Kelly, she's been really stressed out lately with yearbook pictures coming up."
Kelly: "I also feel like I should apologize in advance, because once picture week comes, I will be at the height of craziness."
Narrator: "And that's what you missed on ♪center stage♪."



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Quinn and Finn were standing at one end of the hall as they were watching Kelly harshly give some other classmates instructions on where to put some of the camera equipment for the photographer who had just arrived, all while simultaneously drinking what was probably her sixth cup of coffee that morning.

Finn: "I don't know which is worse, sleepy Kelly or overly caffeinated Kelly."

Kelly: "Where the hell is Todd?! He was supposed to go grab the mirror and come back. Where is he!?" she yells out which causes Finn's eyes to widen. 

Finn: "Overly caffeinated Kelly. Definitely. Sleepy Kelly is more sarcastic than normal but this Kelly seems mean."

Quinn: "How is she going to make it all week like this?" she asks as Mike was beginning to pass them by with a large cup of iced coffee in his hands before Finn stopped him.

Finn: "Mike, please tell me that is not for Kelly."

Mike: "It is."

Quinn: "Do you really think she needs another cup? She's practically shaking." the three then look over to the purple haired girl to see her pointing to something and her hand trembling while doing so. "See."

Mike: "Listen, if we continue to give her coffee she'll think we're helping her out and instead of insulting any of us, she'll continue to use Todd as her punching bag. Trust me, this is not the week to mess with her. There is no predicting what she does next. Where is he anyways?"

Kurt: "Where's who?" he asks as he walks over to the three.

Mike: "Todd."

Kurt: "Boxberger?" the three then nod their heads before he continues, "I just saw him hiding in a corner of the library crying his eyes out and saying, 'She's satan.' over and over again."

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